Saturday, July 14, 2018

An observation and the paranoid posts raises its ugly head for a moment

An old news story in today’s world, but when the Peter Strzok stories started hitting the internet I noticed a distinct pattern in the comments sections. I have noticed this before, yet this was very pronounced for these stories. The comment sections were owned by one side of the political spectrum for each story.  The vast majority of the comments for each story either were attacking Mr. Strzok or defending him. There was no back and forth of facts or even an equal amount of commentary. Each story’s comments were cherry-picking commentary that was critical of the other side with little counter discussion. It seems there is so much antagonism in this country we no longer argue with each other. We just sit on our side of the fence basking in how much we are better than the other side. And I know the comments sections are heavily populated by people with their own agendas etc.. but up until sometime after 2012 you had mostly good counter punching with the occasional name calling. Now it is just who gets to the story first and fills it with their “opinion” and seriously juvenile name calling. Hopefully, most Americans have not fallen down this pit of hell.

As most of the regular readers know every now and then my brain becomes deranged and I slip into a horrible world of circling and escalating fear. I call these the “paranoid posts” I think I have sunk to a new low. I am now worried Trump and Putin are going to come together to hold the rest of the world under a nuclear hostage. Bad enough there aren’t going to be too many aids etc involved in the direct conversations with each other or any from what I read in one article, but what on God’s green Earth could they talk about in this situation. Nothing good is going to come from this meeting for everyone except for those two. Fear clogs my synopsis channels this weekend. I hope you are doing better.

Here is an interesting article:

Looking forward to the World Cup this weekend, but does anyone give Croatia a chance?

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