Sunday, July 29, 2018

Haters on Youtube?

Okay, I am a bit up there in years now. I just had a birthday and on my living room wall are sayings like: “if they tease you about your age, beat them with your cane”; “your motor is still running, but your warranty has expired”;”you’re living in the metallic age, gold teeth, silver hair and a lead bottom”; you’re stuck between the young and the restless and the old and the senseless’”. And many more like “too old to rock ‘n roll, too young to rant ‘n rave”.

Anyway, I still like my rock and roll so occasionally I go on youtube to listen to music. I do not have any viable music listening device. We use to call them stereo systems or something, but whatever they are called now, we do not have it. So my computer and youtube get me through my need for a fix every now and then.

What I do not understand is why people go to a song and downvote it. If you use youtube, you know what I am talking about. People post their favorite music or something and people can sign in and make comments about the song and either up or down vote it. Why do people go to songs they do not like and down vote? What a waste of evening the most trivial amount of energy. If you do not like the song, why bother clicking on some link to it.

You see 2000 up votes and 47 down votes. Are there 47 people who don’t like the person that posted the song? Do they think there are better versions of the song out there. So just go and vote for that version. To downvote a song is completely maddening. Why?

You have accomplished nothing. A downvote isn’t going to change someone’s opinion about the song. People click on the song because they like it in the first place. Do people think:” oh wow, 47 people down voted this, it must suck now.” No, they don’t. So why make such a fruitless effort?

And yes this has nothing to do with anything, yet I need to rant and rave about this nonsense. Why, because I am no better than the haters I guess, but at least I choose the music I enjoy and enjoy it.

Just click on what you like and be happy. No need for hate or negativity when it comes to music. There is something created for everyone.

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