Saturday, July 28, 2018

Where is anything positive? Am I randomly searching for the impossible?

A person can think to themself: boy, the rise and fall of the United States happened quick in relative terms to human history; or why do so many people hate God; or why is there so much hatred in our country; or why is it so difficult for our leaders to use common sense; or why are people so obsessed with the end of the world, (in case you haven’t noticed the blood moon last night didn’t end the world no matter what anyone said): or why do we have such a beautiful planet, yet we treat it like trash? Or whatever ails you for the day?

And yet I see so much good in people all the time. I spend hours thinking to myself how does this dichotomy exist? On a day to day level most people treat each other well, respect each other, help each other, yet when you step it up one level just to managing a community, things start falling apart fast. And the larger the group or entity the faster and worse the abuse of the group or entity happens.

How do we turn the good between friends or even perfect strangers at the individual level into something positive at much larger levels? And you know it can be done because there are many successful operations of organizations, governments, etc…., but are these the exception to the rule or is what seems to be more prevalent the exception to the rule? Is good the rule or is humanity’s self-destructive tendencies the rule? Even though it might appear there is a middle, I do not think so.

There is a middle in politics, in economic classes, in a room, in the planet, yet no middle in the good vs bad. You may disagree and say there is a middle because there is ground for some good and some bad. Again, I do not think so.

Good and evil push against each other and there are extremes to each side, but there is no middle. So, the effort is to always bring people to the good side. (that sounds a bit trifle), you do not go through a middle though, you cross over a line that determines what happens. Could a person get close to the line and not cross over in either direction? I don’t know. And I don’t know how you would be able to determine that answer.

So, if I have backed myself into a corner philosophically with these two absolutes, how do you get into something positive. Could evil be positive, and yes, the answer is no to the rhetorical question. If you can only be one or the other, what moves a needle for everything else on planet earth.

A person goes crazy trying to move the needle because it cannot be moved. One may say metaphorically you have shades of good and shades of evil. Do you though? The real answer is you have a good person that does bad things. That person is still good, unfortunately though by starting to do bad things they can be drawn to cross the line. They do not go through middle ground. They were good, now they are bad. An evil person may do something good for another evil person, who knows you could have two despicable criminals and one gets in a jam and the other makes a sacrifice to help them. Once you start sacrificing for another you start reaching into the good side. Could that person then cross over to the good side, just as a good person could be bad? The answer is yes, but unfortunately it seems harder to cross from bad to good than good to bad.

And yet it is with sacrifice, which can be said to be one of the strongest elements of being good if not the strongest, where you find positive. The struggle then is how much sacrifice must be given to turn something good or positive. The answer should be none (and if you are Christian, you believe the only sacrifice needed has already been done) yet we put ourselves into a position where it turns out huge sacrifices must be made just to turn the simplest things around. Humans are pretty frail so the demands of making large sacrifices seem to scare us away from doing what should be easy. The sacrifices are needed because we allow events to deteriorate so bad before we decide we need to do something, hence the need for large sacrifices. History is so full of examples it is hard to quantify them.

So maybe it is easier to find a simple example. A local government has to clean up a river for their drinking water, but the company that polluted the water for many years was the largest employer for the community. Who should make the sacrifice? Realistically the company should be held accountable, but they went out of business due to a changing world. So now the community is stuck with needing new sources of employment and a high cost of clean-up, plus the need to find new drinking water. So, the entire community has to sacrifice and sacrifice hard. The costs of attracting new industry to build a tax base to acquire the funds for the clean- up and the search for new water rips the community up and instead of the problem being solved, people leave. If the company had done the right thing in the first place and taken a bit less profit over the years to manage their waste properly (a small sacrifice) then the entire community would not have needed to sacrifice greatly. And this small sacrifice should be what drives people, but it doesn’t. And so, we get people making huge sacrifices instead based on a huge need and sometimes a very ugly huge need, such as World War II and the horrors of Nazism.

There is always going to be a need for some sacrifice. We have to live together. (Shoot just having to put up with a neighbor, co-worker, church member, family member or whoever who talks incessantly is enough of a sacrifice). Okay we need to learn to realize that no one person has a right above another and be accommodating. This should not be a sacrifice, however, we sure as heck make it one somehow.

To find the positive or better to make the positive then it can boil down to making simple sacrifices upfront. If, somehow, we learn to differentiate what we can do now for each other, then we acquire more later on for more people. Sounds simple, yet for some reason we cannot turn in this direction.

And going back to my other question about crossing a line, does sacrifice require pulling everyone across the line from bad to good? Can enough good people make enough small sacrifices for the whole? I asked why does everyone hate God? Is it God or themselves? We are not talking about religion here; sometimes a completely different animal. Even if you do not believe in God, what has been taught should make sense to all. Just respect all and serve one another. And serve does not mean servitude. You are on the evil side of the line when you expect others to serve you. Service by respect and receiving service with respect leads to the simple sacrifices that leads to something positive. Sounds so simple doesn’t it, yet we make it so damn hard for some strange reason.

Drives me crazy. I know I am not perfect (can’t think of one sacrifice I made this week) and on a daily basis fail yet pulling from the good side of the line keeps me moving forward and hopefully can help this planet find something positive. Otherwise the alternative is to completely fail, cross the line and help to tear apart this wonderful planet.

And the above madness is brought to you by the extreme heat here in North Texas and staying inside doing mindless chores (something still stinks in the frig no matter how much I ignore it) and your brain takes too many side trips outside of reality. 

Have a great day all

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