Sunday, May 26, 2019

A thought and some advice

Actually I think this is more of a concern than a thought, but it seems to me there is something going on with television advertising. When I was younger I wasn’t nearly as affected by TV ads as I am now it seems. They must have subliminal messages embedded.

I will watch an ad for a new car, new furniture etc… and I actually want to go out and buy it. And it doesn’t matter from ad to ad. They can advertise a luxury car then boom the next ad is for a simple sedan and I find myself at the end of each ad wanting to go and buy that product.

And even trucks. I like trucks. I do not want one. I have no use for one. If I was to obtain a significant amount of land then I might want a truck, however, they advertise for a truck and I want to buy one. Why? This is baffling me.

This goes for furniture, mattresses, appliances all sorts of ads and especially for these big ticket items. Funny though the drug commercials turn me off. I am very critical of advertising for diseases. They try and make you feel you need to get these drugs, yet the side effects are scary. I hope I never get sick, but sheesh, I may stay sick. And now that I am remembering most of the drugs are to relieve the symptoms, not cure the disease. Another reason we need real healthcare reform in this country.

This is not about healthcare reform. This is about my apparent weakness when it comes to watching TV. It can’t be too bad. Thirty seconds into the show and I have forgotten all about the product. During the commercial and right after I do have a momentary strong feeling to purchase the product. I think they are up to something no one is telling us. Or heck, getting old just makes you weak.

And the advice is for married guys. Once there was a movie called Fatal Attraction. They either need to remake this film or bring it back. You may think, so what, this isn’t going to happen to me. Maybe not at that extreme, but there are some scary crazy women out there. And I am talking bat shit scary crazy. And these women will take their time with trying to screw your life. So, don’t expect you are going to see this coming. I do not know what it is, but they have no qualms about the fact you are married. Not a one.

I have been blessed in my decades of marriage. The better half is more aware than I. She recognized immediately one woman at my work getting out of line. And this woman wasn’t concerned at all I was married. I thought since she knew I was married she was just talking to me. Nope, over time it became apparent, I am clueless and she was dangerous. Thank goodness the better half has her intuition and steered me away from that disaster.

Another time was scarier. Over time the better half kept noticing a woman sitting near us in certain situations and was mentioning there is something wrong. After a few incidents I finally paid attention to who she was referring and realized the woman was from my work, but had a wig and a scarf on. At the time I lived over fifty miles from work so to have someone near me seemed unusual. I researched it and discovered she was coming miles to be in our neighborhood. I put in a complaint at work because this was way off. We never saw her again and shortly thereafter she quit.

I bring this up for no particular reason except I was remembering these incidents for some reason and sometime recently some guys at work were having a similar conversation. Don’t be fooled. I do not consider myself “hot” or whatever it is just when a woman goes crazy they go off the deep end.

Yes, I know there are creepy guys who stalk woman also, but for married guys we tend to be unaware so a word of caution. Be aware of any woman who pays too much attention to you even if she knows you are married. Don’t think twice she is just wanting to hang out at work, or is someone to talk about the boss or has good ideas on your project. They are out to ruin your life because they have nothing better to do, or they are bat shit crazy.

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