Friday, September 13, 2019

Are the Republicans catching up to the cluelessness of the Democrats

What you say?

Usually the Republicans have their own set of problems and issues, for example making all sorts of campaign promises and still only spoon-feeding Wall Street and company whatever they want.

Now though they are making a run at avoiding the elephant in the room. 

Many people have questioned Trump’s cognitive abilities since he started running for President and this continues up till now. And the man continues to give everyone reason to question his cognitive abilities.

So, what gives now. The now is it is becoming increasingly apparent he is declining, not just little things anymore, no one word slip ups, misspelled words, he is at the point he cannot rant well or remember what he is doing. And this is becoming more and more public. In fact, I am going to guess that we will see less and less of him as the part of the Republican Party doing a power grab realizes how bad he has become. They need him something fierce and if the public, including his public, starts to realize that he is going south fast they are not going to re-elect him. This is just one part of the problem.

The developing problem is the Republicans have been working so hard to make sure he wins in 2020 including cancelling or trying to cancel primaries they may be caught with no back up plan. Well they do have one and that thought belongs in one of my infamous paranoid blog posts. I have a couple that are welling up inside my brain right now so you might see one you soon.

Anyway, if they go all in on Trump and he can’t get through till next November they are going to hand the country to the Democrats. And if you saw the Democrat debate last night you are realizing they do not have a true strong candidate. Or their policies are too far left for the general middle of the country.

The term “Dynamic leader” didn’t seem to fit the bill for anyone last night. And the pretentious left is all in on this group of candidates. They think they have a winner amongst this bunch. Scary, isn’t it.

You would think a rational and practical independent with a moderately conservative platform could thrive in this environment. Yet, where are we?
Well…. I wrote the above hours ago and I had to stop mid thought. We went out to fight the good fight in other areas then had dinner etc… with friends. So, stopping at above for now. Plus, I said I would try and keep my political posts to a minimum till 2020.

Okay okay one other thought, speaking of power grabs, McConnell seems to be creating his own as Senate Majority leader. I just hope the good people of Kentucky see fit to elect someone else to represent them. I do not agree with the Democrat/Pelosi’s platform, but sooner or later you do need to do something including write something better than their policy. He just cannot accept a leadership role and do absolutely squat just because it doesn’t benefit Wall Street et al. And besides his sitting on the election security bills, really gives credence to the nickname Moscow Mitch. He needs to go.

The Republicans need to look at having a full primary season or they are going to get caught with a dilapidated Trump.


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