Sunday, September 29, 2019

Promises kept, okay sort of, and other stuff

I am really trying to keep my promise to wait on the political posts till the start of 2020 when we are in a campaign year, however, our illustrious President is begging me to join the fray. 

I remember Watergate and watched it unfold as a young teenager. As I got older I read more and more about it. I also read the book and saw the movie “All the President’s Men”.  Watergate is what turned me into a news junkie. Too bad nowadays the news is clogged with all sorts of madness. Some from the President’s camp and some is from the Pretentious Left, too little of it is facts right now. The President and team are lying, but we do not know how much because the Pretentious left is guessing based on morsels of information. They say they know stuff, but God forbid they may only know the tip of the iceberg. I feel Mueller’s investigation was cut short and the Pretentious better get ready because they are going to try and cut short any investigation into the Ukraine call and whatever else is behind it.

And if you hang out in the periphery of society you fondly remember “Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72″ and subsequent articles from the National Desk. Too bad certain insight is unavailable to us now. Of course the insight would also be a profanity laced 24/7 rant on the evil of it all.

So to attempt to keep my promise I will bypass the politics for now and concentrate on other matters. Sooner or later  though I fear I will think that impeachment is not politics anymore and join in the madness. I am not above it, I do not claim the high road, I am just avoiding the low road for now. 

The demons are close to taking over the keyboard because one of the biggest demons of them all has taken over our country’s pysche.

 I do want to touch on some ideas about conservative versus liberal and at the National level the Republicans and Democrats are not conservative and liberal anymore. I previously touched on this subject and will come back to it when I do succumb to writing about politics again. The push me pull me of conservative versus liberal is good, the party label of conservative versus liberal is part of the reason we are where we are now. More to come.

And I want to write a story while I force myself to avoid politics. The anger that wells up inside me everytime I watch or read what that man is doing to the Office of the Presidency is unfathonable to comprehend for me. I have to back off the news, which hurts since I use to enjoy reading all the opinion columnists and articles on a Sunday morning. He has taken joy from me. I will continue the fight against myself and go to a more enjoyable internal conflict.

I have ideas for many stories, yet two of them are pushing to the forefront of my brain. One will be treated like I usually do on this blog. I start with a thought or idea and just write. I do not create  story board or any rational nonsense in preparation. I just write a few paragraphs and come back to it the next time I post and write a few more paragraphs until I reach a conclusion. This will not be anything earth shattering, just a bit of sci-fi fun. The premise is found in other sci-fi stories occasionally, yet I hopefully I can apply it differently and have a unique story. Again all for fun.

The second idea is a bit different for me and will require some thought. I will stay true to the blog writing and write as I go along, but the very nature of this idea is a type of story I have not tried before and am curious if I can pull it off. I do not want to plan it out. I still want it spontaneous. When you read it, I hope you understand why it is different. 

So the next time I post I hope to have chosen one to get started and get me through the next couple of weeks without an aneurysm so strong that my brain explodes and covers my computer screen with already burnt out gray matter. 

Finally for today and this is important, no matter how much a sibling or parent or child ticks you off remember family is your most prized position. If not, find a way to make it such. Too many people deride the evangelicals for wanting to have public policy that benefits the family. Yes, they drive me up the wall also, but hear me out. Any representative form of government needs its people to be well educated, financially secure, and well formed in values to say the least. And we need to support each other in creating families that maintain the substance of who we are as a society and country. We need to do more to maintain the stability of families because they are first in the process of forming the next generation. 

And on that thought this weekend has been a very blessed and wonderful weekend. Not every moment went perfect, but my youngest is in town to celebrate her birthday so Friday we went to the State Fair of Texas (GO), yesterday we celebrated one of my grandchild’s birthday, and today most of the women in our family are taking our oldest grandchild to buy the first homecoming dance outfit. And when they come back we are having the official birthday dinner for my youngest. This weekend has been children (yes adult children) and grandchildren all weekend long. And I do mean all weekend. Some of our grandchildren went to the Fair with us and our youngest, then spent the night with us. The next more morning we had the world famous pancakes. After that we packed everyone up and headed to the birthday party. Came home and the oldest stayed with us so the better half could get her up to get ready for the shopping expedition.  Imagine being a young teenager and your Mom, Grandmother, a family friend and two aunts took you shopping. As a guy I would have died on the spot. As a young girl, it has been something she has looked forward to for days, but ha!, they know about the “boyfriend” that is taking her to the dance. Maybe she won’t  be so excited. lol Or maybe all the Dads will be quietly hissed off at the collection of better halves if they encourage this boyfriend madness. More family fun to come. 

Also coming my thoughts on the Cowboys now that we are about a quarter way through the season after tonight and my thoughts on the Mavericks before their season starts. I have no epitath for the Rangers. They gave us hope early on, but quickly took a hard turn the other way by mid season. Next year they get a new ballpark (hope maybe not) which to me is a shame, I liked their current one. It is hot here in Texas so I understand the desire to manage the environment. Some how or another there is serious irony in that last sentence. 


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