Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sometimes you cannot hide from the truth.

Do not have much time at the moment, but the depths of hypocrisy coming out of some people cannot be ignored.

First though I have always believed most of the average Americans that historically have called themselves Republicans to me were never true conservatives. They were merely perservers of the status quo. Since the end of World War II until a few years ago, Republicans were joiners. They joined a church, a country club, their professional organization, the PTO, and many other organizations. The Republican Party became the party of people who wanted to fit in, be part of the correct group, be considered to be acceptable. And there is nothing wrong with this, society actually needs a status quo to measure itself against. Conservative was the buzzword they all used to be considered part of the proper group.

The Republican party during the 50′s and 60′s helped to foster this status quo. The party thrived on it and eventually this is what Nixon called the silent majority. Basically hard working Americans who supported what they thought was decent, proper, and acceptable in day to day activities. These are the people who do not want to rock the boat. There were always extremists on the right, but they were the minority. Now take note, I am not talking about racists. You have to separate that there are racists that are just racists. Extremism takes advantage of racism, but not all racists are extremists. Many are neighbors who keep it deep down, but just cannot accept others different from them. 
During the 70′s their world was turned slightly  upside down so they gravitated to the Reagan revolution. This was not a conservative movement, this was the first of the lets get back to my idealistic viewpoint of what America is, the American that fits all my preconceived notions about how you are to live etc...

These people still exist, but their dream becomes more fragmented every year. One problem was the wealthy in this country learned to take advantage of this group. So behind their back true education levels diminished, income stagnated, a slow erosion of wealth began for them, and the successful few even amongst their immediate peer group and friends still espoused the greatness of the American dream. 

As you know ignorance breeds hate and discord, so as their education became weaker and they retreated more and more into close knit groups for protection psychologically since their world seemed to be proper on the outside yet there were signs it was actuallly crumbling, but no one actually addressed it. 

Then came Fox so called news and tore into their myths and beliefs and created enemies for them to hate. The silent majority became the disaffected majority. 

Fast forward to now, they let themselves be manipulated by people who still espouse a bygone era and cannot come to grips the world is changing rapidly. This group makes up part of the support for Trump. They are not the problem.

The problem is the portion of the Republican party that spent the 70′s to the 90′s building a party infrastructure that fostered greed. The establishment of the party no longer supported market capitalism and big business; it supported wealth. The sheer notion that someone who had more money was better, the idea of earning wealth being a value decreased while the ideal of acquiring wealth was what made a person successful and “admired”. A nuance, but an important one. A market economy relies on many moving parts being successful. The accumulation of wealth for weath sake, requires less and discourages moving parts. The less people involved the more for the few. 

This group has become a disease on our country and the ugly boil of a visible sympton is our current President. This group is so insulated they have forgotten what made us a great country and in their isolated world they see only themselves. 

They have made the Republican Party the shining definition of hyprocrisy. This extreme has created the same problem that some in the party faced when Nixon fell from grace. His problem was his dying devotion to an ideal and some of the verbiage his people used is being regurcitated now to protect a real cancer and criminal in the White House. “We have to protect the President”. What they fail to realize the job is to protect the Presidency, not the man. If the person is defiling the office, then the protection is to remove the person so the office of the Presidency is protected. A true conservative would protect the office not the man; the constitution, not the words; the balance of power and checks and balances, not the abuses. Some of the people protecting the President are misguided by the corruption of Washingtion right now, some are downright criminals who know if he is exposed, they are exposed.

Either way the remainder of the party that protects him and does not hold him accountable are destroying the country. They must be held accountable. As you know I am not a fan of either Democrats or Republicans so the need for independents to counter these crimes is careening down on us like the rain in Houston this past week. (pray for them). Failue to act will create a political and country damaging event that will make the floods in East Texas and Houston look like puddles. 

So now is the time to call out the hyprocrisy of the this current Washington D. C. Republican party.

States rights, but now all of a sudden a state cannot do better than the rest of the country in protecting our air?
Do we have a balanced budget from them?
Are our values as a nation being treasured by them?
Is opportunity for all being developed by them?
Does the Republican party behave as Christians or as?
Are they showing a true respect for law and order and the rule of law?
Do they support the general economic health of the nation? Or who are they supporting?
Why are they saying that you must behave one way then in their actions behave exactly against what they preach?
If they believe the President is the leader of our country, why are they letting one man take down the office?

If you are an independent conservative such as myself, we can no longer sit idly by while Rome burns. And this message needs to be instituted into every average day to day Republican until they realize their party has left them and they can no longer accept the hypocrisy they live by ignoring the lies. Most of the Republicans you know at your work etc are hard working Americans that need to be awoken to this problem and either quit the party and create and join a new one or pull the rug out from under the cancer that now rules the party. 

I know many “Republicans” who worry more about their family, healthcare, income, their country than the group now in charge, but I must look at them in the eye and speak the truth. We all must. 

The Republican party is no longer the Republican party it once was and people like me are to blame for not calling them out sooner to this very point. The current President has committed treason against our country, us, our values,  many times over and the news of the whistleblower situation is just the latest in the demise of our country unless we act to take it back.

Sorry, the Democrats are lost in outer space right now and still driven by their own cancer of the pretentious left. They too have lost touch with the average American. Theirs is a different story though. Today we must come to the realization that a group of people are now deliberately protecting someone who by design or by default is tearing up everything we say we cherish. 

The Republican Party died a few years ago and the rotting stinking corpse is permeating an ugly cancer on us all. 

No cheers tonight. Tonight we must speak

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