Monday, October 7, 2019

Christians, moralists, and hypocrites

Good evening all,

Thought I would talk about something different while Nero Trump is burning down the house.

And I am guessing some of you anti religious people are hoping for a large take down of Christianity or something. Sorry to disappoint. This is a targeted post for people who think they are Christians, but don’t seem to get it.

As you know we always have groups who will espouse the moralist view on us, telling us what we can and cannot do. And most of their moral preaching has something to do with sexuality or promiscuity. They spend thousands of manpower hours telling us how horrible people are if they have too much sex. And quite frankly being promiscuous isn’t healthy, either physically or emotionally. Tonight though we will address other issues. Why?

First off because you can teach morality or teach people why certain behaviors are better than others. It goes back to the old saying you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar. So if you are always denigrating people for not behaving in a moralist way you won’t get much of an audience. If though, you sit down and talk to people get to know them, and work with them about who they are as a person, build some self respect with them, they might be more inclined to listen to you. The moralists in our society just can’t get to that point. Easiser to judge than to teach. And all these moralists love calling themselves Christians. Irks me.

And one reason is because what they do not preach about, or shows they do not boycott, or people they don’t condemn to hell is much worse than sexual promiscuity. There are two topics I am focusing on tonight.

One is barbaric fighting, the MMA, the cage fights, the concept of putting people in a cage to fight for the sheer enjoyment of others. Exactly how is this not against the teachings of Christ? If Christ teaches we are to respect each other and love our neighbor as we love ourselves, then what the heck. And don’t sit there and go what a wimp because I see this barbarism as wrong. There are times to fight. It is a requirement to stand up to tyranny, oppression, slavery, violent cults etc..., but to fight just so others can obtain thrills or enjoyment is taking civilazation down an ugly path, Yet where are all the moralists now? Why does the destruction of another human being receive any less attention from people who say they are Christians than the sexual destruction of a person? Sleeping around to the point you are diseased and depraved is not good and actually people should talk to you about this behavior, yet so is beating another human to the point of severe injuries considered a “sport” not good. What is the moral difference? From the Christian perspective and other religions there shouldn’t be a difference. Or at least you would think. Somehow there is one. Or maybe I live in a sheltered world and do not hear their outrage. Lets hope that is the case.

And now it gets worse. Moral outrage is one thing, completely ignoring the large amount of popular culture that glorifies evil is another. Movies, TV shows that glorify evil, monsters, demons is more than scary. This obsession with accepting this entertainment as just entertainment is more than a moral outrage. This is downright debiliating to a society. How can a young person determine what is right and wrong or what is good or just when they grow up with horror as something that is acceptable? What happens when they see real horror? When someone does something truly evil? How does this affect them? Do they become so desensitized that genocide or brutal rape or murder do not register with them as something that is not acceptable? Is evil nothing more than a joke? A Friday night date that registers in the subconscious that you do not need to fear this stuff? How can the glorification of a monster or demon be considered healthy entertainment for young people? Shoot for anyone? You may say, it is nothing, we all know it is a movie. Do we? Deep down could we tell the difference when it matters? Yes, you say? 

We don’t care when people lie to us anymore. The lies are so pervasive they are the norm. And I am not talking Trump, I am talking everything. Everywhere you go someone is trying to get you to do something for them. And depending on the gravity of the need they do anything and everything to get you to fall in line. And we have become so desensitized to lying we know we are being lied to and still do what goes against our interests. And you dear reader are as guilty as I. We want to do better, it just gets harder and harder to fight against the lies. This is why we struggle at all levels of society. Rich or poor someone is lying to you or will lie to you soon. Turn on the TV, listen to the radio, connect to socia media, someone is trying to sell you something and they are targeting you. They have gotten to know you. And you accept it because it is easier to click off than deal with the reality. And then the next time you click back on, the madness keeps coming at you. 

So what makes you think that evil doesn’t work the same way in your brain? Over and over again you watch movies and shows and slowly but surely you succumb to the idea that evil is only another this or that. There is no evil you think as thousands of people are slaughtered in another country because they look different. Children are dragged away from families; young girls sold into sexual slavery; old people beaten; and the list goes on. 
And the moralists.......? not a peep.

We can teach morality. We can offer hope and good. We can show there is a better way, but we have to say something when it matters. Right now it matters yet over and over again, our brains are being trained to rot away because it is only_______.

Hypocrisy is only a word to some people. 

Last time I posted I said I would start a story, sorry not tonight folks. I have decided which story I am going to work on next and it is the one that is different for me in approach. I will stick to my normal write as it comes practice instead of trying to plan it out. I have a small bit in my head, but now it seems I should stick to my general way. It is always more interesting to me to let the story take me along for the ride. 


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