Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Republicans are just flat out stupid

They could dump Trump and still win in 2020. They could remove this albatross around this country’s neck and be heroes. 

Why some support him is beyond maddening? Is it really party over country? No, not this bad. Are they being blackmailed? It is way too many. Do they really think a cult of personality is going to lead them to the promised land? Dictatorships headed by one man that rely on a personality to keep everyone in line fail miserably in history. What gives? At this point it is time for the Republicans to wake up and realize there is no future with Trump. 

Again they can dump him and win in 2020. Who among the Democrats is really catching the nation’s attention? Biden is getting a bit of a bump because of Trump’s madness, but long term what are his chances? Many consider Biden a good man, but not too many consider him Presidential. And there is a difference.

People thought Trump was Presidential. He is forceful with his demands. He seemed to stand up to the Swamp. He promoted ideas that some people wanted. In reality it is all fluff. He has nothing, just a big bully that played on people’s anger and fears and got away with it. And unfortunately built himself a cult with the alt right in this country who have gone all in on him. The future though doesn’t exist past Trump. This cult will exist for a time dragging this country down with it.

Who else in the Democratic party is going to capture the nation?Most are too far to the left or are pandering too far to the left to survive the general election. This country is still more moderate and more conservative than the Democratic Party. Why do you think there are or were 20+ candidates running? They know there is no magic man or magic woman. They all think they have a chance and none do.

If the Republicans ran a rational moderate conservative they would win. Not could, would. The platform could be simple. Talk a bit about bringing the taxes back in line, work on cutting the deficit, speak on fixing social security and they would squeak out a simple victory. It would even be nice if they actually came through on a couple of these topics. They won’t, but they could run and win just playing nice. Someone who seemed cool headed and responsible. And isn’t afraid of Trump’s cult.

Alas if you ask me, you know I would want a strong public policy for better education, real fixes for social security, a seriously revamped tax policy, actual work to reduce the deficit, hard core investment in green energy to create new jobs and products for us to export, someone to lead the 21st century in innovation, real infrastructure improvements, yet that will not be. What this country needs most is someone forceful, dynamic, creative and energetic. The Republicans have never had this type of candidate and the Democrats do not have anyone close. 

Yet, the Republicans can save the day. Remove Trump, just blow past his so called base. Expose Trump for the con he is and nominate someone that the bulk of the moderates and middle class can stomach and they win in 2020. It is a shoe in and history will be kind to them. If not, we will have an alternative history that is filled with horror and the downfall of our country. For if we keep Trump, what follows him? That thought should be enough to scare every rational thinking American into action. For some reason, it hasn’t yet. 

So can the Republicans wake up and be smart or are they just that flat out stupid?

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