Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lets start with an idea from the better half

As regular readers know I feel the Reps and Dems have failed us and I am always saying we need new parties. Yet I am all talk and no action. I have researched a few things, but no real action. Yet lo and behold the better half struck me twice.

First I found out she does listen to me. Apparently she has heard me rant and rail enough to know exactly how I feel about our political morass. So the other morning over breakfast she hits me with this idea. I should start a campaign for candidates. This is her exact verbiage “campaign for candidates”.

And then she explained what she meant. And I am sitting there dumbfounded because A) she proved she listens to me and B) this is a great idea for what I want.

I always say we need to recruit new candidates for office. Exactly how does a person accomplish this goal is one question in my mind. She explained you have town hall type forums, (town hall is my term) invite the public letting them know you have an opportunity to speak your mind. Once everyone has spoken you afford the attendees an opportunity to choose which ideas best represent you and they then try to encourage the person to run. 

This concept can bring new ideas to the forefront and reinforces to people that there are more people that think like them, hence it is easier to convince someone to run for office. An open forum for debate, discussion, exchange of ideas and none of it tied to either of the current political parties. Many indepenents and dissatisfied Reps and Dems can realize there are other options. 

At one point many localities were trying to develop economic incubators as ways to grow small businesses. And I still think this is a good idea, now we have  a similar idea to grow new government or new policy or new participants in government. 

So now I am really stuck with what do I do next because I have been called out. Anyone want to help me drag this from my lazy backend into a productive reality. It still needs people to start and since I am an introvert I need to crawl ot of my shell and find an avenue to get this started. Lets hope my better half’s good idea does not go to waste. I will have to mull this over.

Earlier today I had a whole host of random comments. They seem to have disappeared instantaneously. 

Something about Trump cannot say he kept a campaign promise by bringing the troops home from Syria and not fighting endless wars anymore, yet there are other ramblings about troops being sent to Saudi Arabia. Cannot pick and choose when you are fulfilling a campaign promise and when you are either self dealing or flat out lying. If we really want to end all these endless wars we need to get off oil, yet here is the man who makes fossil fuels the be all end all to the future. He is one large walking contradiction.

Or Elizabeth Warren and her wealth tax, you just cannot tax the wealthy and expect it to solve problems. We need to tax the wealthy, but there has to be a goal with how you do it and what you expect to accomplish with rationale. The obvious one is to help reduce the deficit, but even that will need cost reductions alongside the extra taxes. My argument is it is payback time. The decline of education in this country is one by product of the 1% buying off Congress.

Their gain is they are paying for a better educated country to help rebuild our economy. The wealth horders don’t want a better educated country, but talk to people who are true business people and they know they need a stronger and  more prepared employee to move their business. Success takes many people. If people cannot do the work, or create, or problem solve, the business will fail eventually. True capitalists know this and so do wealth horders. The wealth horders have been running the country into the grown under the guise of capitalism. Hopefully the real capitalists and entrepenuers will wake up and back what is needed. Just taxing the rich because they are rich will only get you push back. Real business people understand investing in the future. 

And a couple of posts ago I said I would start another story. And I had some choices. This time around I am choosing the story that is more an exercise in writing than a story I usually write, yet I do have a story. I said if I chose this route I would have to plan it. Well, I didn’t. I do feel though I need to take on this challenge. It will be like all my others, it will be written in the moment as it is added to my usual madness of posting. One side note I am pulling together another story that I am going to put on Smashwords eventually. It originally started in this blog, but I am making an effort to get some feedback and do smething with it. I actually got some good feedback and now I have to force myself to follow through. Hopefully soon I will get that done. I will let you know once I am there. For now though, here is the next story and it is a concept or an exercise in a certain type of writing.  Cheers!


Pressure existed. A force pushed down. Nothing changed. Constantly the same pressure existed. The same force pushed down without an increase or a decrease. Yet, the pressure seemed to go straight through and the same force and pressure pushed down further. There was no movement only the force existed and it came from on top and moved through and pushed on and on through and further down. It was a resting force.
At times somewhere else there existed something. It made its presence known. Occassionally the pressure was slightly affected, maybe there was movement that pushed the pressure to the side for a moment. Things would settle down and the pressure would be the same. Other than the occasional side movement, there was no change. Or it seemed that way.

At one point the pressure eased. And then it shifted. The same pressure existed. It still pushed down, on, and then through and the pressure went down. 

Eventually the pressure eased again, shifted again. This time the pressure shifted, but changed. The pressure still pushed down, on, and through and the pressure went down. Yet once the shifting ended, the pressure pushed down with less force. It existed, but it wasn’t the same. It still pushed down, it still was on and still went through, yet there was a difference. 

Another time it happened again. And again the pressure was different. The pressure was less. Other than that there was no change.

This change happened multiple times until eventually the pressure was non-existent. The shift would happen. And then the release of pressure. 

A violent shifting took place. The side to side movement now increased dramatically. The pressure almost disappeared and in its place was rocking and shifting. The side to side movement was dramatically different. The movement changed and headed in the same direction. The pressure was still there, still pushing down, but very slightly, but it was on and then through still pushing down.

The movement stopped. The resting pressure came back, only very slight. What was pressing down still existed, but disappearing. Now there was new shifting and each shift brought less and less pressure. Pushing down yet even going further down the pressure eased. 

There was upheavel, there was violent shifting and up and down motion, each motion created a new motion. Some was side to side, other times it was up and down. This upheavel stopped. The pressure was still there, yet ever so slight. The movement jerked again and there was a new resting place. Some pressure still existed, pushing down, on and through. Now the movement was regular and with each shift the pressure lessened again. 
Then more violence. The pressure completely vanished. The movement was constant. Then there was a different pressure applied, ever so slight. The surface changed and contained another element. Also very slight. It did not increase or decrease the pressure. The movement continued. 

Once the movement stopped there was no pressure. Nothing pressing down, on and through. Complete freedom all around, only the slightest of pressure that moved that affected different spots. 

Movement began again. There was a new pressure that existed in only one spot. This movement changed directions. And then there was no longer connection to anything. The movement changed direction randomly until it stopped. After it stopped, the movement began again. There was pressure in one spot again, Then there was connection. Something attached itself and connected. And now again there was pressure, yet only slight. The resting pressure had come back.

To be continued....

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