Friday, June 26, 2020

Dear Owners, CEOs and managers of construction companies

Talk to your workers and yes especially to your Latin American workers. Step up to the plate and instruct them the importance of wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands etc or you are about to lose hundreds if not thousands of your workers. 

Seriously, if you want to continue your business you better think about the workers who do the actual work. Unfortunately Latin Americans just aren’t informed and the working class/workers are out and about without any understanding of this pandemic or worse any concern. Your workers, their families and of course the general public would benefit if you would take it upon yourselves to do what is right. Do not talk to me about the importance of the economy if you cannot do what is right for your people.

And speaking of business, how about lets make and sell t-shirts that have a picture of a person wearing a mask with the statement ‘pro-life” above the picture. Sure it sounds like a liberal sarcastic statement, but actually it is pro life. Think about it.

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