Thursday, June 4, 2020

Next step?

I know many people may not get this analogy but here goes.

My favorite title of a book in the Bible is the Acts of the Apostles. Why you may ask. One reason is I have lets say, an issue with people who say lets pray about it. And they do and that is good, but you have to listen and you have to act also.  Christianity didn’t happen because the Apostles only prayed. They acted. They went out to the world, especially St. Paul and made Christianity happen.

I think we need to think like that now. What are our next steps is what all the protesters and all of us need to ask ourselves? Some people say vote, yet for who? They will say I guess Biden. Okay, but what about your Senator, your Representative, your State officers, your Mayor, etc...?

And we need to hold who we vote for accountable to making change. Of course we need to define the change so we know who to vote for with change. What are the policies that can be enacted to put into our lives the change the protesters want? And this country needs? 

People are hurting. That pain will not go away. What we need to do is find the people to lead that addresses the grieving process these people that are hurt are going through. 

And along with this hurt there are others that want to hurt the people that are hurt. We are now fighting two battles all while trying not to get sick. We have a President and a significant group of people in power who feel they need to stomp on the same people who are hurt to make themselves feel better. There could never be a worse time than now for Donald Trump to be President. He was a nightmare before, now there are not strong enough words to define the depths he is taking us. 

We will need new leadership at all levels of government come November and we need to be prepared for Trump’s supporters to fight this change. Even the ole generals have woken up to this madness. That says more than too much. 

So what are the next steps to finally do more than say it is time for healing because we are way past that need, to successfully and peacefully have a change of elected officials, and do so without dying of some strange bat disease. 

Each one of the above is a daunting task by itself, yet finding this must needed way will prove that America has always been great and will continue to grow to new heights. One day down the road they may actually say this was the second great generation. I pray my grandchildren get to read those history books. 

It is time to come together and rally each other to stand steadfast against tyranny, bullies, hate, and yes vote, but stand by everyone when they are in line to vote, stand by everyone if someone tries to prevent them from voting, stand by everyone the day after the election and demand that promises that were made are kept. And do not sit down till those promises are kept. 

Our leaders are only as good as the expectations we set for them or their efforts in the events that define the times make them. The next leader whether it is a President or a group of citizens have times and expectations that require the greatness of our forefathers or Lincoln. Lets hope that person or persons are present among us now.

So pray for peace, pray for comfort, pray for healing, pray for the souls of the departed, but tomorrow morning get up ready to act. The early Christians didn’t fight wars or suppress others or hold themselves as better than others, no they spoke about the greatest message ever heard on this planet. And they made it their mission to share this message. They acted with love, determination, faith and 2000+ years later that message still resounds, still gives us the best message heard on this planet. Their actions spoke loud, so today we are left with using that message to collect this country’s psyche to put it back on a higher course. We do not need to hold up a Bible in a picture we need to use the words in that Bible to inspire us to stare evil in the face and over come it. 

We all know the phrase action speaks louder than words. 

Thoughts for what comes next?

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