Thursday, June 25, 2020

Lies and Yo yos

First of all a simple truth. The Donor class doesn’t care about you. Not a bit. And this includes many on up the economic ladder, they even consider the upper middle class their serfs. So why do you keep supporting politicians who put them first? 
Sure it is obvious the Republicans do, but the Democrats cannot be too smug. They do, but play the game of putting band-aids on cancerous pus filled wounds that need surgery. Don’t believe me. Then why after decades of people being killed by police officers are we just now getting police reform on the national level. Only because there are enough voices for the moment to make them act like they are doing something. Otherwise the special interests that support them will be back in charge soon. Same for tea party Republicans, and they even got a good chunk of people elected that said they were for them. Now in 2020, the elites still get what they want and the rest of us get squat. Quit being lied to and start really looking to make changes by how we are represented and who is representing us.

And more specifically for the lies, I present to you Governor Abbott of Texas. If there was ever someone trying to figure out the backstroke in one moment, it is our illustrious Governor. Boy he was so ready to get us all back to work, (donor class puppet), we needed to save the economy, didn’t even come close to following the CDC guidelines for when you should open. Stuck a can opener in our backends and opened away. Now the one moral cell in his body discovered that people are going to start dying here pretty quick if something isn’t done so he goes out and starts whining no one is doing what they are suppose to do by wearing their masks and washing their hands. He could have put into place a whole host of requirements for public interaction, but no! Again the puppet of the donor class pushed forward as fast as he could attempting to look like he was being responsible. Heck no, we were just about full throttle on Memorial Day weekend, now we are going into the Fourth of July and he is attempting to put the bottle back in the genie by whining about the masks and limiting large gatherings to less than a hundred people. Oh what a man of action. Hypocrite! He still wants us open, but that one moral cell in his body apparently won’t shut up and he is stuck looking at himself in the mirror realizing thousands if not more Texans are going to blame him for the deaths of their family members. And rightfully so. He could have waited one more month and our economy could have slowly unwound itself over the summer, but no, money was more important, the donors were more important than common sense, factual reason and that one pesky thing called people’s lives.

And so Up and down, up and down goes the Yo yo. What our wonderful donor class and elitists do not realize is not everyone wants to be like them, nor care about them. And on a side note why should we care about them, they obviously do not care about us. Anyway their self absorption precludes them from realizing this virus is not going to go away just because they want to make money, nor do they understand that the rest of us do not want to die for their profits. Historically all the serf classes have never done too much about anything till things get desperate the then the true chaos erupts. I prefer a stable society so my anger is pretty high right now. If the elitists keep up their antics the vast majority of us serfs will begin to see the errors and make changes on their own. Again I do not want this, but my state university education seems to have given me a better understanding of world history than all those dollars spent at Ivy League schools earned for their alumni. Sooner or later the serfs reach a breaking point and change happens and it has never been pleasant. This is why I prefer our Constitution, a strong middle class, and a government that represents the whole of the populace. Helps to keep things balanced and peaceful. Now though the elitists need to sue their over priced universities because they sure haven’t learned anything about history. This pandemic may or may not be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it does. I do not like ugly.

And speaking of yo yos, because of the ineptitude of our state leadership and national leadership, I have noticed this reopening of our economy is creating a very different dynamic for the working class and this is going to get worse. For example all the restaurants opened and can seat up to 50%, but oops all the employees have Covid 19 so they close for a few days then reopen, and then it will begin again. Young people hang out together so they will be passing it through a massive amount of social groups as they go back and forth among themselves so they will pass it forward which will cause more employees somewhere in some business to get another business infected and hence closed for a few days. And then they reopen and the cycle starts all over. We just cannot sit in this midstream waiting for our government to do what is supposed to do and protect the people with rational planning. This yo yo will continue to go up and down, up and down, till we find real leadership to give us a plan to get through the rest of the summer and beyond.

Stay safe folks, we need you. 

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