Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A self created quandary

 I just spent a bit working on a post that in my younger days I would have long since hit the post button. Now with children and grandchildren in this world with some as the kids say haters, I had to save the draft and think about it.

If you read me regularly you know I never hit hard, and try to play cutesy sometimes even when I go after something or someone or some entity. Sometimes I am sarcastic and sometimes I think I am funny. Every now and then I do try to come up with at least an idea, only others will tell you if it is a good one or not.

Yet, today I went to town and even with trying to make it light it was an extreme hard attack or accusation. I do not take it lightly and again in my younger days this current post would not be written. 

Back in the day I didn’t care and I would just spew out stuff and it didn’t matter my target. Now more mature or maybe just older and tired, I still see the world the same way, but I am much more mellow so to speak. I love my family so I would hate for me to go to town and for it to stick and my family receive the flap or worse. Yes, I know I do not have a monstrous following where I should probably have to worry about it, but I do. No need for them to feel the hate for the sins of the father madness.

So it bugs me I haven’t posted what I wrote, but I cannot rectify in my head if it would matter if I did. 

So I feel like I may have wasted time, but what I was calling out definitely needs to be called out and probably even harder than I did. I saved it as a draft so who knows it still may get posted. It may not. 

Anyway just some hazy rumblings left in the brain after writing it all. And the funny thing is, along with many other things I write it could be said in one straight forward sentence. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, yet it is more fun to try and add humor and attempt to make a point or create a story or entertaining reading. I did make the effort for entertaining reading. Who knows?

Another of life’s quandaries. Do you go for it? Or play it safe? It needs to be said though. Tough choices in life at all ages.


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