Monday, August 31, 2020

Have you seen my sanity?

 I seemed to have lost it on the way to work. Or did I leave it around the house and will run across it again? Maybe it fell out of the car when I was running errands the other day. Or was it when we were out of town? I cannot remember the last time I saw it, so hard to say where it might be.

And along the way I have picked up a pocket full or more of anxiety. It just keeps spilling out. I try to put it back, but it overflows and is all over me. 

Or is it something else? Or a combination? Does angst and anxiety mix well? Or is that a dangerous cocktail? Could be I have a pocket full of both. Something is wrecking havoc on my daily life. 

I remember bad days. The ones where you can’t find your keys in the morning and end up late to work on staff meeting day where you arrive half way through someone reciting a monstrous to do list they want done by Friday causing you to work till 9 two or three nights that week and the better half is PO because she wanted to shop for something that for some reason she needs you to go along and she never told you to begin with and then you have to find someone to coach one of the practices for one of the kids’s teams because well there is a big game on Saturday so you cannot cancel practice and then it rains on Saturday. Yeah, super huge first world bad days, but hey then there is Sunday and you rest up to do it again. Remember when those were bad days? Now I dream of those.Maybe not a good dream, but hey I still had my sanity.

Now though, it has disappeared and too much of stuff I never asked for has taken its place. I am not sure what it looks like anymore or I would describe it so you might help me look for it. Right now everything I see is gray, not the solid gray of a good suit, but the muddied gray of clouds when they are pouring rain and the dreariness seeps into your soul like the rain seeps under your back door because it has gone on for days and you forgot to clean the porch the Saturday before so there is junk lying around preventing the rain from draining off and you realize you needed to replace the weather stripping that same Saturday you forgot to clean the porch. It is that kind of dreary gray.

I plan on continuing to look for my sanity. Maybe I will get lucky. Who knows? It has to be around here somewhere. Does sanity run off? I don’t think so. Maybe my sanity found a better person, one more cheerful than I have been these last few months. Or is my sanity hiding? From me? From the world? I thought I treated it well. Sure there were those days when I was younger and treated it like I would always have it no matter what I put it through. Did I take it for granted and now it is punishing me? 

If I remember what it looks like, I will let you know in case you have the time to look around for a moment. Any help is appreciated. 

And sorry, I have been a bit self absorbed today. I hope you still have yours. I would hate for you to be stuck trying to find it. It isn’t fun. And if you find the angst or the anxiety building up in your pockets, empty them quickly and do not let them become stuck in them like somebody played a bad joke and put in chewed gum and you cannot clean it out. If it gets that bad, just throw away the pants with all the angst and anxiety. Trash it immediately. It tends to cling so might as well save everything else and get rid of it.

And all this weighs on you like when the temperature outside is 93, but there is so much humidity the heat index is 105. How do people function in that environment? 

So hold onto your sanity. Keep it close, don’t share, even with me because all of a sudden I realize how valuable it is nowadays. I would hate for what would happen if too many people starting losing their sanity. Might be a bit much for the world to handle. Or is that what just happened? We all just friggin lost it?

And be careful, I learned a long time ago, sanity is never at the bottom of a bottle of tequila. ha ha ha


And a few side notes.

The Mavs future looks bright. There is work to do, but outside of a cold start to the third quarter yesterday they competed well. 

I hope the Finals are between the Clippers and the Bucks. I could live with that. 

The pretentious left keeps writing stories like Trump and his base care about any semblance of rationality or our Constitution. They don’t (sad and scary and Putin is the enemy) and it is making it harder by the day to deal with the coming madness. The Democrats need to go full tilt trying to convince 60+% of this country they need to vote for them without spending any more time bashing Trump. We all know he doesn’t care about this country, show you care. Come up with something the rest of us respect. 

Cheers again

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