Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Overwhelmed and underwhelmed

So we are now in the infamous dog days of summer with baseball barely surviving and basketball on the tube. Oh and by the way the Greeks had a completely different concept of the dog days.

For us though I will stick with it is the hottest time of the year. Hurricanes are in season now and weather still can be extremely boring for some reason.

There is so much going on it is hard to keep track of it all, but lets just say the Republicans just don’t get it. I like to spread my criticism of both parties equally, but right now the Republicans are more than clueless. What happens when thirty million unemployed people become homeless? I doubt it will get that bad, but even just thinking about it is scary, yet some Republicans cannot get it through their thick skulls that things could get real ugly real quick. 

I read the lack of progress and am terrified for our country. It is like common sense was breed out of us over the last two generations.

Anyway been on a long road trip then an airplane flight back. Common sense is just missing. Yes, most of it is people not wearing masks or not wearing them correctly, but just watching people over any period of time is fascinating and scary. 

We stopped at a restaurant, actually many, but I am sitting down and waiting for the food. I watch a man with a mask on correctly walk into the kitchen area and as he is stepping through the door he pulls his mask down and coughs and then places the mask back on. Didn’t even cover his cough with his hand or stick it into the elbow sleeve. Just coughed in open air. Why bother with the mask if you have no idea why you are wearing one? Again I am terrified for our country.

On a positive note we spent two days driving and most of it was through wooded areas or forests, even some National Forests. The actual drive and the scenery were great. Our fellow citizens not so great. This was not a vacation, yet we did make time for one afternoon of vacation activity. It was a nice respite from the normal daily grind and also watching everyone completely miss the point on that mask thing.

And then there is everything else. Schools, the election, the economy, the election issues, all the trouble Trump is getting us into, Biden being as exciting as a sleeping granddad, the Congressional infighting, the controversies, the conspiracy theories,,wait here is a left wing conspiracy theory,,, Fox News has subliminal messaging going on and are hypnotizing people and that is why many of us have lost our common sense,,, just as realistic as info wars or maybe even more so and I didn’t yell and spit on your TV set. Anyway we are slowly approaching the election and who knows what that will bring.

One joyful thought, Trump had to eat some humble pie and had to cancel his Jacksonville madness. Now I saw one story that says what goes down in North Carolina may be in private. Who knows and who knows if that is a bad or go thing. I haven’t read much news in a while, just glancing on breaks from all we had to do over the last week or more. I will try to catch up soon, but maybe I shouldn’t.

Anyway checking in with everyone since I have been out of pocket recently. Hope everyone is well or as well as can be. I will try to be more up to speed once Labor Day passes and the election kicks into high gear. And as always I have my own ideas of what is better public policy than what either of the two National Parties are pissing on you currently.

One idea, and this is so easy. If the Republicans don’t want to pay people the extra $600.00 a week people badly need, maybe it is time for infrastructure projects. Pay people a living wage to help rebuild the country and the economy. And if you have forgotten history that is a Democrat idea, but the Republicans could score a ton of points if they could manage to create a plan that takes us into the next few years as we crawl out of this madness called COVID19. Sure the projects won’t be fast and furious, but you could start some pretty basic ones in areas where there is a slight break just to get the ball rolling. 

Trump could have won the re-election in a landslide if he had just a quarter of a brain and some morals. 


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