Thursday, August 20, 2020

couple comments on this ho hum evening


Sorry folks the Democrat convention and next week’s Republican convention are not interesting to this rank and file independent. This week is boring and next week is scary.

Ironic though that Sarah Sanders actually gave some good advice to the Democrats and as per their usual pretentious selves they jumped all over her for being her. Granted she is knee deep in the muck since I do not think she ever truly crawled out of Trump’s special swamp, but she did make a good point. Hopefully for the Democrats Joe Biden has that in his speech tonight. They do need to stop this constant Trump bashing and start talking about what they can do for this country. Yeah Trump is screwing up, but at some point Americans want to hear some good news and we can make it happen news. Plus they are just playing into his wheel house by making him the center of attention.

He’d better have a much better plan that H Clinton, too. Of course her platform was the most exhaustive list of pandering to special interests there could have been. Keep it simple and on point Joe.  

Lets talk about masks or as the better half said the other day, your rights were not taken away with wearing a mask. You gave them up when you signed onto the internet and bought smart phones. Our devices are so full of people taking away our protections, spying on us, selling our personal information, we are giving our rights away for less than pennies on the dollar. Shoot we are paying them to abuse us. And people think wearing a mask is an infringement upon them. No wonder Putin is smiling all the time, we are shooting ourselves down at a rapid rate. Yea, people seem to forget Putin has stated he wants to see us and Western Democracy fail. He just uses our own devices against us and people can’t see this from underneath their own built in blinders. Curious how he will respond to the ISS UFO sighting. 

Well another day, another arrest. Thanks S. Bannon for reinforcing my belief in Trump’s continual debacle of ethics. 

Less than three months to go before we find out how Trump will try and stay in office. Way too many people in this country have just lost it. And the current infamous conspiracy group is proof positive. 

And I do have a twitter account. The user name is dallasareaopin in case you are ever interested in my once every few month tweet.

And finally I may post the blog I wrote that I hesitated on last week. It probably isn’t that Earth shattering. And if I do, it will be before Trump speaks next week.


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