Monday, January 11, 2021

A new average Joe problem

 The press in New York or the pretentious left is having their usual slamming someone on Twitter or eviscerating someone on Twitter moment because Andrew Yang complained about “do you know what it is to work from home in a 2 bedroom apartment with kids?”.

Well any time someone as rich as Mr. Yang complains about every day living he should expect the pretentious left to go to town.

Yet, the phrase do you know what it is to work from home in a two bedroom apartment with kids is happening to potentially hundreds of thousands of Americans or something similar. 

The better half and I had a discussion on this topic a month or more ago. In fact it sounds so familiar I wonder if I had mentioned this before at least in passing on this blog. And we were discussing what are corporations/businesses going to do for their workers to make up for the cost of working at home. 

Many businesses will soon have to make decisions on whether or not to bring people back to work. And some may not, .....well.... because if their workers are at home it saves them money. Or should it?

It will cost their workers time and expense to permanently fix up their living spaces to accommodate working from home. Sure it sounds great working from home and yes you do save transportation costs, but what is the difference. Do you save more staying at home than if you live in smaller quarters or have kids what is the cost to adjust? 

Corporations will find a way to sell this to their workers if they see long term benefits to the bottom line no matter what the cost may be to the worker or worker’s family. There will be no office space lease, less use of equipment in a building, insurance, secondary costs like buying everyone lunch or other perks, parking lots, upkeep, both cleaning and landscaping, and probably more I cannot think of off the top of my head. 

What leverage do workers have to bargain for upkeep for their homes and apartments? And if apartment that means transitional living, one year leases etc so these adjustments have to be considered every time they move.

Now I do not have solutions at the moment, but I think this is something that labor groups need to research and see if protections need to be put in place to protect worker’s from undue burdens such as higher insurance costs or higher utility costs. It is a guess I grant you, but people have a right to know more. Right now everything is in flux, but mass migration to a home work force will mean many changes and it is not a liberal or a conservative topic, but a respect for the people that work for you topic. 

I am a conservative, but there is nothing in true conservative thinking that should be business over worker and worker over business. They need to find an equitable balance because that is respect for life.

And yes I know the country is going crazy right now, but lets pretend there is a future and work on the new problems, even the every day ones, that will face us soon. 

And congratulations to the Cleveland Browns. 


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