Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Trump is gone, the news is boring

 Okay okay, it is better to have calm for awhile after the last four years, shoot by default even the hate has become blase. 

Hawley and Cruz just don’t cut it so I doubt they will become the leaders of Trumpism. McCarthy is well ... boring also

So appreciate the calm, somewhere someone is trying to convince others to ramp up their hate and do something stupid and destructive and sooner or later we will be hit with it.

I do not know if I ever told you, but in college days I use to play in bands. Even made it on stage a few times, but more or less lots of garage band rehearsing, too many Lone Star Longnecks, and an inordinate amount of frustration. One thing to being a successful musician is to have discipline. That discipline doesn’t come with the territory of people playing in rock bands or punk bands or new wave bands too often. And it helps a bit if you can actually play or carry a tune, much less sing. Still fond memories. One thing I am very proud was our sets were all original music. Every now and then we toyed with a cover song, but I spent four years working in bands where every song was original work. And that wasn’t easy. In the prime we had 20 plus song sets all written by someone in the band of the time. I carried over a few songs, but with new bands came new material.  And I am serious, some of it was pretty good.

Why bring this up? I said something today and realized I haven’t written lyrics or poetry since college and that was decades ago. So I tried to write something down today based on something I heard. And again I was proud of having original material back then because tonight reminded me how friggin’ difficult it is to write. I don’t mean me spitting out random thoughts or repetitive nonsense in this blog, but actually writing something takes work. Shoot I haven’t even written a convoluted short story in this blog in a long while. I know I am a lazy writer in this blog. I make no bones about it. This has always been for me to spit out madness and relieve my inner irritant. Real writing takes inordinate amounts of work. And trying to write four stanzas to something I would call lyrics was a reminder how hard it is to do and that once upon a time I actually made that effort. The last band I was in broke up in a recording studio, seriously in the actual studio. I realized it was time to move on, but hey there for a few moments I had a great time.


PS  I actually wrote these so called lyrics to give to someone. At this point I hope they get a good laugh

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