Thursday, January 21, 2021

Time to start unpacking

First of all please stop with all the headlines about the former you know who, what’s his name. No need to bring him or his family up unless somebody gets arrested or something. No headlines with so and so was bashed or eviscerated or emoji madness or gifs on social media. No need to give a certain someone any more time in the limelight unless again there is real headline news like someone got arrested or goes to jail or well that is about it.

Second if Corporate America wants to make America great again, they need to quit advertising on Tucker Carlson’s and Sean Hannity’s shows and radio broadcasts. They need to pull the rug out from under their hateful platforms. They are not conservatives, they are just two humans with no real purpose in life except their own insecurities with too large of a megaphone. And while they are not at advertising, how about including OANN and Newsmax. For God’s sake someone needs to hold people accountable to the truth.

Third lets make one last statement about the public policy initiatives over the last four years. There were four. And two weren’t even his; the tax cut for the rich was Paul Ryan’s and the conservative Judges was Mitch McConnell, you cannot give what’s his name any credit for those except that he thought he looked good playing along. 

The closest he came to any public policy of his own was his attempt at strong immigration reform which was no more than an convoluted mishmash of “wall” or large graffiti board slapped down on the border between the U.S. and Mexico. The other idea was his attempt to bring home jobs with his fabulous trade war. And how many jobs did we get from that policy? I do want to touch on this and will below.

Oh I guess there were five public policies if you count lying to and instilling fear and hate into millions of Americans. 

He once said we need to improve infrastructure, we do, but hey, what happened? So that doesn’t count.

So now we are left where we were four years ago, a government caught in partisan disputes with no real way forward. Congratulations Joe Biden, you are now President. 

So what is left for us? Well outside of Joe Biden’s immense desire to actually do something about Covid 19, getting us vaccinated and find a way forward economically past this virus, we still have a whole host of 1A public policy problems. 

So without trying to put my spin or my ideas on these issues I will list what this country needs in a normal day of governing. Since we haven’t had a normal day of governing in quite some time, the list isn’t short. I won’t try to editorialize too much or give my solutions, just make the list because at some point whether nationally or locally problems do need to be solved. And many of these I have blogged my idea of a solution or something so lets hope I can just make the list.

These are in no particular order of importance....because they are all 1A problems for us.

Education-- better public and affordable and especially at the higher levels

Closing the wealth gap

Healthcare  (not Obamacare on steroids either)

real equal opportunity for all ie not stereotypes, but true respecting all life of all stripes and colors

Domestic abuse

Mental illness

Infrastructure (one way to start working on jobs at home and since we need modern infrastructure, in the rebuilding we could start the retraining of our workforce)

retrain and improve the workforce for the future

Environment meaning the reduction of pollution

New and clean energy  also for the reduction of pollution and new jobs

Classic Education-arts culture civics

Can people even still read?

Yes we need to reduce the debt and deficit

real trade changes

real immigration reform 

address human rights abuses and human trafficking 

rebuild who we are so we can reclaim the right to address human rights abuses and human trafficking abroad

elder care and care for our elders--- for example I have been remembering and forgetting what I was going to put here all day-- (hint hint dementia)  and financial struggles

Social Security reform

Consumer protection especially against fraud, yet also in general for the consumer instead of for the corporations

Tax reform that benefits the people

Or generally, public policy that puts the good of the people over the few.

And you can probably add to this list without much effort with your own 1A priorities

So again, congratulations President Biden.


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