Saturday, February 6, 2021

Hey, February ain’t that bad

 So the winter blues have set in, no one is doing anything, the world is blah, 

Are you sure?

The non party “Big Game” is tomorrow; St. Valentine’s Day is next week, the non party Mardi Gras is getting ramped up; President’s day is right around the corner so you get to buy a mattress on sale; it is still cold as heck, but yes it is true March is just weeks away; and for some Ash Wednesday, Lent and whatever you gave up for Lent begins the slow repentant and reflective days till Easter.

And somewhere out there someone is getting vaccinated so hopefully the march to normalcy is beginning. Or whatever normalcy is about to become. 

And yes I am hoping for one snowfall before winter ends which may be after next week here in North Texas. In the north, probably not, but here we have a cold snap coming and that may be our last real shot of winter. 

Next Sunday we are half way through February and in Texas that can just about end winter. We may have a few minor cold fronts, but soon those will just be the triggers for thunderstorms till May. Maybe not, it is Texas and if you do not like the weather, wait a moment. I am not holding my breath though.

And speaking of the big game, there seems to be at least a few people interested. I read an article this morning that says this ah big game has more big bets placed on it than any other. According to the article we are not talking massive numbers of large bets, just more than before.

LV:  KC vs Tampa Bay, The Weekend at the half and no Budweiser commercials, I am sure the NFL would loved to have had a barn burner of something for everyone during the pandemic, but hey  there is a chance there might be an actual game this year. I might watch five minutes to find out. 

Otherwise it is household chores for the afternoon.

So stay home for the big game, stay home for Valentines, get dusted with ashes instead of the cross of ashes, and buy your mattress online, normalcy ain’t here yet.

Stay safe

And least I not forget, Congress will start putzing around this week grandstanding and showboating and getting nothing accomplished while the conspiracists rule the day.  Or maybe February is that bad.

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