Monday, February 8, 2021

Is this the plan for the GOP establishment, or should it be?

 Is the establishment of the GOP hoping to wait out Trump and the Trump supporters? Do they think that if they let him walk for the impeachment that hopefully his energy fades away and his supporters scatter, some looking for another Trump, some drifting back to their GOP? 

Who knows, but it doesn’t seem they know what to do. They are not coming out hard to rid themselves of Trump, nor are they jumping back on the bandwagon and going all in on Trump. 

If you are a conservative, it doesn’t matter, The GOP establishment is not conservative, they are just supporters of big business and lied to the middle and working class people that consider themselves conservative that supporting the super rich and their faux version of capitalism is being conservative. 

Trump then came along and lied to these very same people that he was their answer. That he would straighten out Washington and drain the swamp. Yet he was the swamp all along. So basically you had two identities lying to the same people and after all this time they do not know which way is up or sideways.

Just as a reminder and I have said this before, one reason this can happen is that people who consider themselves conservative tend to be conformists. They want to be part of the crowd and belong. This causes this pack mentality when you have someone like Trump taking charge. They reinforce their group think and then Trump’s hyperbole drives it to a new level.

Either way, many Americans are conservative, but the people leading them whether the establishment GOP or Trump are not. Which means the long and short of it is that there are no real conservatives at the National level. Oh every now and then one of them spouts something that approaches conservative public policy, but day in and day out it is all lip speak with no real substance. 

Don’t believe me, when was the last time you saw a comprehensive plan coming from anyone at the national level in the GOP?  I know many people say the GOP is the party of obstructionism, but they also have no idea what to do. The only plan they have is whatever they can do to cut taxes for the rich, hence the years of lies from the GOP establishment mentioned above. The other is the megaphone they give to a pro-life agenda that is nothing more than a megaphone.  Now as a conservative I believe you cannot legislate morality, some of the GOP with the megaphone yell at their supporters you can legislate morality, but all that does is fail. Issues of faith and social conservatism are won when you win people’s hearts and teach values, not preach values. People with megaphones do not care, they just like yelling in them. It makes them they are important. Unfortunately people listen to them. 

Still we have no real public policy to enhance a conservative platform. And as long as the GOP establishment and the Trumpers control or fight for control we will hear more noise, but no substance. 

So when does the rank and file members of the GOP and the independent conservatives realize the truth and break off from this debacle going on now within the GOP and actually devise a true strategy, find a path forward, and rebuild faith in a balanced approach to governing?

It may or may not be the plan for the GOP establishment to try and wait out the Trumpers, but real conservatism doesn’t have the time to wait out either.

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