Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Random comments in early 2021

 First of all something positive, or at least sort of positive. Teddy there is a time and place for everything so when it is time, enjoy, but Cancun, seriously? 

When it is the proper next time try Ixtapa, less crowded, less rushed, especially back in the day, the beaches are softer, longer, lazier, and you can really hear the waves at night sitting by the ole hotel pool, with a couple shots of tequila and Luis Miguel’s Romances playing in the background. Now this is how you relax. Too much luxury can spoil, but there is just the right amount that makes it all worthwhile. 

Not sure if seeing you there would change my mind about you, still struggling with that respect of others thing with you, but at least you can unwind. I may have to go to confession since we are all suppose to respect each other, oh well. 

And speaking of confession, what was that lady thinking, fansonly and kids in a Catholic school, sure breaking 40 of the Ten Commandments is going to ingratiate you with the local priests and make an impression with the principal and if you feel you have any grievance with the fact the kids were asked to leave, uh.....time to dig a little deeper in the ole brain synapses.

And if you are Catholic and didn’t get the 40 out of 10 joke, well next time you are in line for the confessional (it is Lent) pay a bit more attention to the examination of consciousness literature that gets handed out. There is about a hundred ways to sin for each Commandment.

Going back to respect, do not know what to say except thanks Rupert Murdoch for creating an entire army of Americans who think they are conservative, but are more brain washed minions than anything else. And what is scary is many are very intelligent hard working people. They are not “deplorables”, lost maybe, but real human beings who have come to hate the pretentious left because Fox told them to and the pretentious left keeps giving them reasons. 

I am not talking about people like Cruz, Hawley, Graham, McCarthy, Carlson, Hannity and others, they sold their soul on purpose, it is the great unwashed wondering why all Americans cannot look and think like them and if they don’t they are the enemy. Murdoch did a number on this country and one day I hope there is a reckoning for him and his madness. And there are many conservatives who are actually conservatives that get drowned out by the people who have gone off the deep end. Even a few who actually liked some of Trump's policies. Too bad he had no intention of actually following through on implementing anything. 

Many of you are starting to think about spring break and beaches in Mexico would be fun, but we blew that up years ago having too much fun in the 70′s and 80′s. Now the Cartels and Covid make those days a memory. Maybe one day our grandchildren will be able to enjoy simple fun vacations again. 

Stay safe, no matter how many people say it ain’t so Joe, Covid is nowhere near gone. 

And lets end on a positive note, thank you NASA, Perseverance is a national treasure.  Good job everyone

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