Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Not enough time to be chippy

 Okay there is, but with so much going on in the world, it just doesn’t feel like it.

So much to say so little desire to say it all, yet lets get started.

First I do not know what it is about the world, but every day it seems like the news is the same thing. Are we that bad of a planet even the horror is the same day after day?

Did I under estimate the Dallas Cowboys? Who knows, but next week might give us a true idea.

And to add to the “don’t you hate it when” blog

Don’t you hate it when you get up and get to work even a bit early and work hard. So much so, that when you realize you are starting to get hungry, feel accomplished, and think you can start planning on what you want to get done in the afternoon then you turn and look at the clock and realize it isn’t even 11am. What the heck, it feels like it should be 12:30 and you are late to lunch. All you can say is damn and try to not get another cup of coffee. 

Is Mitch McConnell the biggest wimp in Washington? How did he get to be where he is today? I know if he read this he would probably think oh another jaded human being feeling jealous, but seriously, he has no policy except to screw other people so he can feel accomplished. People in this country seem to forget a leader either has a solution, creates a solution or finds a solution. He doesn’t do either. And quite frankly what does he do? Outside of acting important, I really do not see anything from him. How far our country has fallen that people who have no real idea how to lead are in positions of leadership. Someone made him and that person needs to go to jail for crimes against humanity. 

And so Mr. solutionless himself is going to let this country go down the drain so he can blame someone else, when he is just as much fault as anyone. Does anyone really care? I could tweet at him how much he is failing as a leader, but he doesn’t read his tweets, someone else does and they won’t say anything because they don’t want to be the one blamed for it. We live in such a blame the victim society which also shows how far from greatness we are.

And speaking of greatness, oh wait, I was about to reference Trump. Why bother? The sooner he drops out of the limelight the better. Is he not the picture of entitlement? And truth be told, he is a loser twice. He lost the Presidential election, then he screwed up the fake news coup so bad no one could really tell it was a coup. Talk about serious mismanagement, oh wait he is the picture in the dictionary for mismanagement. Wish someone would show his followers that picture, but blind is blind.

And now the Democrats desperately need to be on the same page and they can’t decide what page that needs to be. 

So we are at the point where both parties have factions so split that nothing is going to be done and 300 + million people are going to be screwed because D. C is so far removed from them from being so tied to K street for so long they can’t see the sewage they created flowing into the Potomac.

And one problem though is the 300 + million people have received such a lousy education they do not know how screwed they are and the value of what they are losing. 

And don’t ask me if I feel jaded much. The answers are simple, been discussed, been offered, been shouted from the rooftops by many, but listening is another story.

Which begs the question, why is it that when you tell a lie often enough people believe it, but when you tell the truth people run from it, even when it is the most obvious and most times the correct answer to the question. Humanity is messed up.

And on that note, let’s sing because the violin reference is so overused. 

And maybe one day I will get back to writing short stories in this blog again, it has been awhile. Just so hard to feel creative or having fun when everyday seems like a repeat of hell. Heck I am feeling down and the Cowboys won yesterday, pretty sad. 


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