Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Are we really doing this, they are just two old farts.


I am beyond exasperated. And I try to stay positive, try not to name call or be denigrative or rude, yet, it is what it is, Trump and Biden are two old farts. They can barely walk or talk anymore.

I sent a “X” or whatever the other day to try asking what happens if both candidates show the world neither one can be President.  And I am asking here.

What happens when both candidates bomb the debate so bad that it is painfully obvious we are in dire straits with these two? The only good news is this debate is before both conventions. Hopefully the pain of watching this will be so bad that both parties wake up and nominate someone else.

It still won’t get me to vote for a Democrat or Republican, but I will at least feel better about how bad they are screwing up this country. If Biden and Trump make November, I just cannot imagine how insane things will become. There is even the odd chance that one or both could die of old age before November.

I have been convinced for decades that neither party has the best interest of us and the country. Now this is for different reasons, yet right now they have fallen so far down it is no longer about bad or unproductive public policy, it is complete blindness to what they are doing. How can either party think their candidate represents the best they can do? I know there is a MAGA problem, but somewhere deep some of the rest of the Republican party has got to be thinking what are we doing?

Anyway the first debate is this week and I hope enough of the country watches (which may be a problem since summer and no one cares) they realize HOLY SHIT! and start calling people or whatever is needed to stop this madness.

Summer starts at 4:51 pm Eastern time on June 20, 2024 which is the longest day of the year, the debate is the evening of the 21st. I hope that this being at the end of the longest day doesn’t portend something horrible coming up.

Please watch and then please get active.

As always we need new parties and candidates.

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