Friday, June 14, 2024

Why is it so damn hard to get what we want and yes they make it so

First about 25-33% of the country is die hard Trump fans, about the same percent are oh God we need to vote for Biden and somewhere close to 40-50 percent of the country doesn’t want either but will hold their nose and vote for one or the other. There is a chance a small percentage of those of the original 25-33 percent may also be persuaded to change their vote if someone came along that they could buy into.

So if half of the country would vote for someone else why on God’s green earth isn’t there someone else? Seriously?!?!?!?!?

And on another note, if I had millions or billions to throw around I would hire attorneys to challenge every state’s laws that make it harder for independents to get on the ballot than the Democrats or Republicans. Somehow some way that has got to be unconstitutional or should be adjudicated to that point. And I would throw all sorts of money into injunctions against elections being held until those laws are changed. With how polarized our country is right now and Congress isn’t getting anything done at the moment, why not? A new Congress unless somehow one party was to achieve a 2/3 majority and completely dominate isn’t going to make any changes that will positively affect us.

The duopoly of Republicans and Democrats have survived way past any usefulness they may have had and it is time we, the people started forcing our will back upon our government. This also means we are going to have to find ways to push past the left and right media biases so a message can get out to everyone in this country who wants something new, but doesn’t understand how to achieve this goal.

Doing what is right has never been easy, yet it needs to be done. Anyone know anyone in the one percent who is willing to do the right thing. Have them email me. lol

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