Thursday, June 13, 2024

Dear MAGA, what happens next?


Sooner or later Donald Trump is going to pass away. He may live until 90 or 100 or 79 who knows. Yet it is inevitable, we all pass away.

And when he does, what happens next?

Sad to say probably not much or way too much. What most people outside the MAGA world realize is this is a cult of personality. There will not be an immediate successor. And different people will try to jump in and claim the leader of MAGA mantle, but sadly it will be very sad moments for quite a few people. Don Jr. may get some play, there are a few Senators and Representatives having sold their soul to Trump will try to claim a leadership role. Overall though the people who follow Trump will move on, to what is a bit scary, but they will move on.

Trump is a dynamic personality and no one will be able to duplicate what he has going on. This will leave us in quite a strange world. Think about Russia for a moment if you will. Putin rose to power as a young person. He took over Russia and has had years to consolidate whatever it is he has consolidated. Trump is not young. Even if he wins a second term most likely there will not be much of a life afterwards.

Sure Biden is barely making it through coffee much less a campaign and every Democrat needs to figure something out by the Convention, yet the Trump world is staring down something completely different and hence the future of the Republican Party.

MAGA’s every waking moment is an obsession of Trump. So much so they cannot realize there is a world beyond theirs and that there are people who just don’t like Trump. In some ways they have an argument when they say 80 million people didn’t vote for Biden, yet what they don’t realize is that Biden received 80 million votes because quite a few people don’t like Trump. They cannot comprehend this reality. There is a slight difference between voting for someone or against someone. To this day I say Trump won in 2016 because quite a few people voted against H. Clinton. I think there are quite a few people that agree with that conclusion, but that is water under the bridge as is 2020. Unfortunately Trump convinced MAGA world that bridge never existed and he won.

Since the Republican Party has pretty much gone all in on Trump, what happens next for the Party? Sure Christie and Halley tried to separate themselves possibly for a post Trump world, who knows. Too many Republicans though cannot see beyond the tip of their noses to realize there will be a world without Donald Trump someday or more likely have chosen to ignore this fact to survive in the current environment.

Going back to 2016 I was thinking the Republicans were in better shape than the Democrats, they had quite a few candidates vying for the Presidency, many were relatively young, all had Republican bona fides, and I presumed this was going to be a tough bunch to crack for the Democrats. The Democrats didn’t have any strong candidates and what was worse they seemed bound to fulfill a self destructive course by nominating Clinton. It goes back to them being clueless elitist liberals. They are still in that same predicament. Biden is just a place holder for now. They do not have a strong developing leadership core that I have noticed like I thought the Republicans had in 2016. Then Trump ran roughshod all over them and proved they were all weak. This weakness has become even more obvious with the massive acquiescence of the party leadership towards Trump.

We are in quite the pickle as they say since post Trump the Republican Party may go into different directions with some type of hard right party with quite a few people vying to be the dear leader and some moderates trying to put back the pieces of some traditional Republican nonsense. As mentioned before the Democrats do not have outstanding people waiting in the wing so what happens next?

It is a bit bleak by the above description, yet sometimes when things get a bit wacky someone comes along and rallies the troops. Or we are going to see quite a period of uncertainty and our leadership on the world stage is going to come under serious attack from Russia China Iran and a few other countries.  And our allies will suffer a bit by our floundering around internally.

The 1 percent will try and consolidate more money and power in the possible leadership vacuum, but their power grab will not be productive for our country, our allies, and the world overall so hopefully someone with some values will find a way to pull us back to a more constructive course. I do not run around with blinders on that we will find a savior who will keep all the wolves at bay. Reigning in the madness we have let take over will take a concerted effort by quite a few people, yet those people do exist. Will they be given the chance?

Yet for today, the question is what does MAGA world do post Trump?

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