Monday, June 10, 2024

The problem with inspiration,


Is you can’t be inspired just because.

I have been trying to make an honest effort to really write or at least think I am writing. I have tried writing some actual short stories and many moons ago I use to just start a short story in this blog and just write on it each time I did a blog post. There are a couple of those stories I am trying to make real.

Also I think I want to go back and write improv short stories for this blog. Actually I probably should. At least maybe I can come up with something workable. Who knows?

The problem is ideas.

I sent some short stories to some publications, yet no go so far. There was one publication that wanted short stories based around a topic they choose. I sent one, yet I probably shouldn’t have. It was way too forced, but I tried. As part of their information they said it would be three months before anyone hears back. I don’t think it has been three weeks yet. At least I tried and that is the gist of it all. You have to try.

I do have ideas for full length novels and some have actual pages written. One I even wrote small blurbs on the characters so I could reference as I went along. Some I just write when I have an idea to hopefully incorporate what was written into the long form eventually. Or basically I have a few half baked chapters that are not chronologically tied together yet.

I can sit and think about the stories all day long, but actually sitting down is another problem. Yep discipline is another tool writers need. Sometimes life does get in the way and sometimes being lazy gets in the way. And that is one reason I have been concentrating on short stories. I have a few that are written start to finish and need more editing work than writing work right now.

Which brings me to the next problem and which is the lead in to this blog. Editors are worth their weight in gold. And it is hard to find someone that can truly edit. I do have friends who have taken a crack at reading through my stories and making editing suggestions, but I cannot find someone to sit down and give me honest feedback as to what I am doing. Grammar is important, but also does the story make sense to another reader is what a good editor can bring out from you. Yet you know how sensitive us artists are, we do not want to hear it. Ha ha ha

So today no politics, no sports, (cause the Mavs are killing me) no social commentary, no good advice, just random rambling about how I want to take a leap forward with what I do, but have no direction to buckle down and get it done. The one good thing is I have three stories I am waiting to hear something back on. Yet if anything like the past submissions all I get is try again or this isn’t what we are wanting at this time.

Yet like the man pushing the boulder uphill hoping to get to the top before it tumbles back down on him I keep sort of trying. Right now it would probably help if I quit taking breaks by the side of the road.

So if you read one of my future posts and all of a sudden it breaks out into a story remember, it is improvised as I go along. At least it can be fun.


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