Monday, June 9, 2014

Here's a crazy thought

There is no choice between good and evil.

There is no choice between right and wrong, whether it be at a theological/philosophical level or a young child first figuring out the choice about to be made can get you in trouble with Mommy, overall there is no choice between the two.

You can choose right. You can choose evil, but there is no choice between the two because you cannot ignore the choice or not make a choice.

There is a story about two wolves and in that story you choose to do things"feed" either the good wolf or "feed" the bad wolf. Which wolf you feed basically says what type of person you will be. Either way you made a choice.

The problem is you have to choose to feed the good wolf. That is the only choice. That is the choice you make in your conscious. You can say I am not making a choice today and not feed either wolf. Unfortunately you are feeding the bad wolf. Apathy, indifference, etc is food for the bad wolf, in fact nutritious food for the bad wolf.

And there is nothing you can do to feed the good wolf without consciously finding the food to feed the good wolf. You have to choose to feed the good wolf. You can choose to feed the bad wolf, but that is not a choice. That happens if you do not choose to feed the good wolf.

This sounds familiar in my head so I probably read this somewhere, sometime and it was probably better written. A person can wonder why is it so hard for us to do the right thing. It just takes more effort to make a choice, so we don't do it. That lack of choice lets us fail. Most people don't choose to be bad.Again though we only have one choicReligion and man make it all out to be some great war of good vs evil. You must choose sides. Yet the choice is more direct. Yes you have to hunt and gather everyday to find food for the good wolf. And somedays it may be hard to find food. And what really makes it hard is you must choose to find this food each day. Failure to make this choice feeds the bad wolf.

So in our day to day struggles to do good, you have your work cut out for you.

God isn't a great war to win, nor a deity that dictates how to live, but a choice. A long road to haul with many distractions along the way, but we must choose . We have been given the road map and quite frankly the path is not difficult. It is up to us to stay on the path, failing that is not a choice.


If you read my blog regularly you know I believe in the full bill of rights. The second amendment is just part of the package.

Do you cover a cancerous sore with a bandaid? Even if the bandaid has anti bacterial cream on it. It just doesn't do any good and worse hides from view the growing cancer.

I don't know how to get people who think gun control legislation will stop the insanity to realize all these mass shootings etc are a real deep and horrid cancer that needs real medicine and surgery. Gun control is a band aid that might make it feel like we did something, but it doesn't cure the cancer. I can agree with the need to do something and I understand the frustration of the gun legislation advocates, but it needs to be addressed in much different and productive ways. I wish there were a simple answer like gun control, there just isn't. Lets hope one day we can build the political energy to truly find the cure for the cancer tearing up our people and society.

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