Friday, August 25, 2017

A bit more of the story…… and a bit of a table of contents sort of

Before I add a bit to the story I thought I would help you remember which posts have parts of the story.
07/05 Read me a Story Grandpa .. started it off
07/12 Comments then more story    (2nd part)
07/24 A comment then more story   part 3
08/10 Back to the story……finally       (part 4)
08/19 The Story goes on                      (part 5)

So on to part 6

Sheriff Daniel and FBI agent Anthony were in the Sheriff’s office talking to Anthony’s supervisor. So far, the press had been contained in one area of town where Anthony had held the first press conference. At this point, no real information was given to the press. Anthony was reporting this like an unsolved hunting accident. And for every question asked, the answer was Greg was the local Representative and we are just making sure since the actual shooter had not come forward. No reward, possibly no criminal charges; just wanting someone to come forward and admit the mistake. For now, that was what the press was being fed.

The conversation with Anthony’s supervisor was much different because all three of them were trying to wrap their heads around the very real fact there were two separate shooters and one of the shooters may have been the group that the Sheriff met at the hospital. And even this was conjecture.

The investigation had gone well, really well which caused the absolute fear in them of how much of a crime or conspiracy they may have on their hands.  The metal detectors found 12 rounds fired into the trees and ground past where Greg was found. This was what they found. They were not close to sure if this was all. Once they started finding each bullet they expanded their search. Then the trick was to find the original location of the shooters hoping to find any shells.

They knew by the fact that one set of bullets was from a hunting rifle they might be able to find them if they could determine the angle of where the shots hit the body and work outwards. It was the second set of bullets that bothered them the most. And it looked like the first shooter hit Greg and he fell right as the second set of bullets splashed the area behind where he lay.

Best guesses proved to be right. They determined the angle of the first shooter fanned out in that direction and at about 100 yards they found the shell casings. They figured the other shooters were further out and at a different location which turned out to be true. The amazing what seemed to be fact was that both shooters or sets of shooters did not know each other was out there. The difference in when the shots were fired had to be just seconds apart, but how did the second group not hear the first person or group right before they started shooting. Yes, the woods were very thick here except for the trail the Congressman was on, but the noise alone should have attracted some attention. They did determine there were different hunting groups out that day after the sheriff had talked to some people he knew. Maybe just maybe everyone was shooting around the same time, which the second group may have picked up as the locals and were glad for the noise.

Anthony was sure the group that was further out were professionals especially based on Sheriff Daniel’s description of the men from the SUV. It was the first shooter that had everyone confused. Was this an amateur? Was this a real accidental shooting? And they were using the knowledge of the first shooter to give bits and pieces to the press to keep the accidental shooting story going. They also wanted this info out to confuse the second group. So, the press heard about the shell casings from the shooter that actually hit Greg. The team wasn’t going anywhere, Anthony just hoped some world breaking news would happen so they would accept this theory and move on so he could continue the investigation in private. He needed the team to really scour the woods in the areas of the shooters to find as much as they could. Luck was on his side. While he was talking to his supervisor, the team found some interesting tire tracks. They marked them and came back to their hotel since getting dark. They stopped by the office to give Anthony their report while Anthony was still on the phone

Right after Anthony finished his report verbally with his supervisor, he sent a rough written transcript via email he had worked on while talking. A copy of that report was acquired while in transit and made it to Paul’s contact on the phone. They were more disturbed than the FBI and extremely angry at the failure of their men to hit the target. And who else targeted the Congressman. They had their reasons for killing him. It was dangerous enough they had to take this path. They had no remorse in what they did, but saved killing for the very last resort. This shouldn’t have come to this, yet now, they had a potentially live Congressman who could come back to the House and keep working. And worse an unknown player with no known motive. Were there others with an agenda they didn’t know about? They always knew they were in charge. Now, deep deep down, a bit of apprehension filled the room.

The CIA agent met his counterpart in Saudi Arabia. He was there to confirm the report of American activity in Iran. The Saud was furious. Why would Americans try to make clandestine contact with Iranian officials? Now rumor had it some of those same officials were dead, but it was unknown if all potential contacts were dead or were there others still working with the Americans. The American agent was trying his best to reassure the Saud, however, there were big gaps in the American’s story. And that was because many on the American side had no idea what had happened, who had authorized contact with the Iranians, and why. Someone high up did, because reports of multiple contacts over months were starting to materialize.

Paul’s employers knew about the meeting between the CIA and the Sauds, they waited patiently for their response. Officially from the Palace and the White House there was no discussion, yet both leaders knew and trust was diminishing on one side.

And one small group in the CIA and NSA waited patiently to hear about Greg’s health. He knew much of their project and his role going forward was still very vital. They did not communicate. Their instructions were silence on all channels. They were smart. They had learned much from the old rouge agents running around the world. Paper works and paper burns, no trail at all. And in today’s electronic world, many people forget how simple it was to pass paper amongst all sorts of daily junk that went through offices.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Same song, who knows what verse

As we get closer to Trump no longer being President whether in 2020 or before and the 2018 midterms fast approaching, what options do we have.

Well not any new ones.

Once Trump leaves the White House, the Republican establishment will feel pretty comfortable passing their agenda that supports the one percenters. They will try to find some bone to throw to the Trump supporters, however, it will not be taken. We will get some sort of repeal of the ACA, what it does to the middle and working class for medical coverage and health care is anyone’s nightmare. Yet, the Trump supporters will not find anything enough. They will continue to be angry. And a bit chaotic. They are still angry at Washington. Trump was supposed to turn the tables on Washington and they bought into it hard. The alt right and possible Russian trolls will continue to fuel their anger. This won’t be a pretty site.

And the Democrats are still the party of Trump bad, we good. I have not seen nor heard any new ideas coming from the leadership or rank and file. They are in the same mind set they were going into November 2016. We should be elected because we are nicer??????? Really????????

The Democrats haven’t had a new idea since the wonderful concept of a war on poverty. Unfortunately, their tactics failed and now we have multi-generational poverty. And yet they are nicer, they think this counts for much. It still doesn’t solve the excessiveness of government handouts, nor make the ACA better, nor resolve Social Security’s upcoming debacle, nor encourage business investment in this country, nor help move the country forward with the transition to renewable energy, nor create better infrastructure, nor work to resolve the wealth divide, nor retrain the group of people who are mad at D.C. so they can feel they have a future, nor improve education overall, nor bring back some curbs the Republicans took away on the financial industry, nor improve air and water quality, nor plan ahead for water and food needs as resources get more scarce, nor re-instill the values that makes us great, and add whatever else you think this country needs to work on.

And believe or not, I am still optimistic. It may not sound like it based on the preceding paragraphs, however, we have done wonders in the past and we can still grab the 21st century by the horns so to speak and show the world that active engagement of a people does bode well.  Yes, some of our success was driven by people trying to make a buck, yet overall, we are educated enough to let a capitalist economy grow with what we have learned in making sure all prosper, not just a few.

Think of the great projects this country has accomplished. In the 1800’s we built the St. Lawrence Seaway and connected the continent with railroads. We overcame the horror of slavery. By the end of the century workers were standing up for their rights and the right to be treated with dignity as a member of the working class. This grew into the 1900’s.
Also in the 1900’s women achieved the right to vote. We developed a most excellent national park program. We built an interstate highway system.  We with others won another war where we overcame another horrible evil. We put a man on the moon. And we continued to put into practice the notion that all men are created equal. We still have much to go on this front, yet we have taken steps forward.

So why do we abdicate our responsibilities as citizens and let the one percenters try to run the country and hate try to run us into the ground? The clear majority of this country does not belong to either group. When we realize this, and force our leaders to respond to what is best overall for the country, the sky is truly the limit.

I have previously laid out some economic development plans, ideas to improve social security, a political platform that tries to generate economic growth through managing down the size of the government without taking away what it does to protect the people, new ways to improve education and much more. So, if I can type away in my living room and at least put forth new ideas, we should be able to get together and develop the future all of us want. And I am not saying my ideas are better than everyone else’s. I am saying the two major parties though have not even attempted to create a future.  I am saying there are thousands of good ideas, we just need to recruit better leaders using a broad approach to tackling many problems, and recreate how we are great.

This country is great because many people made it great. Time for many people to put into practice what we have preached for centuries now. All men are created equal. And the way to begin is to make sure equal opportunity exists for all.

I hope you are having a good evening. I hope you enjoyed the solar eclipse. And I hope you realize no one person should do everything. If we all contribute, we all benefit.

And I will get back to the story soon.  My imagination is slowly becoming enmeshed in it.

And on a side note I have some tweaks to add to my ideas about improving Social Security’s financial health. I will get to those sometime when I add to my policy ideas. I may do something similar to what I did in the 2012 election time frame and come up with a new and improved party platform just to show practical governance is not out of the realm of possibility heading into 2018.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The story goes on…

Sheriff Daniel knew this moment would happen. He had a friend at the FBI’s regional office. He called him the second day, however, had kept that information to himself. There wasn’t too many too tell at this point, just the Doctor and his staff that knew and Greg’s family.

Anthony had gone to the crime scene on the third day. He spoke to the person that had found Greg and spent the day attempting to visualize the scene. Three days, how the hell can he review this crime scene without it being contained from the beginning. Anthony was good, really good at forensic investigations, yet this was insane. And a Congressman for God’s sake. Anthony and Daniel had a long friendship working in the region together, yet he was ready to file serious charges of neglect of duty for this situation.  He had all the facts from Daniel about what happened the first night with the people in the suburban. He drew up the body as best he could from the description he was given. He needed the information on how the shots penetrated Greg’s body. As best he could he tried to determine where the shots may have come from….may have come from???? The reverie in his head was moving at full speed and going nowhere. He knew he would need to come back to this scene with a full squad tomorrow and once he did that Daniel’s little secret would blow sky high. He knew Daniel didn’t want the press since this was a very serious situation. Daniel was dreaming and Anthony knew he was going to face some pressure too for not brining everyone out today.

He didn’t care. He also knew Greg and with how politics were going in this country so he too feared the ramifications on this attempt Greg’s life. There is no excuse though for this not to be addressed immediately.

The night of the third day he called his boss, asked for the time being to keep this investigation confidential. He received promise of no more than two days and a full crew was coming out tonight so they could start at dawn. His superior basically spent the next thirty minutes creating a new orifice for Anthony’s body over the phone.  Anthony let him know which motel he was staying. It was a small motel so around midnight he could hear the crew coming in. They didn’t know which room he was in, yet he saws the message light come on his room phone. He turned over to go back to sleep knowing all too well the size of this crew was going to attract immediate attention. Daniel and I may not get a full day before this town is inundated with the press. He had no desire to speak to the press ever, and this situation wouldn’t be easy.

The next day he spoke to the Doctor while the crew went out to the site. The doctor gave him the number of shots and diagram of the entry wounds, where one had exited and the other bullets taken out of his body. Anthony made sure they still had the traces of brush that were found on the bullets. So, one spent bullet would still be somewhere at the scene. If they could find this quickly, it would help pinpoint direction the shots came from to a degree. He called the crew and let them know his best guess on where to look based on the description on how the body was found and the wound entry and exit point on the body. All shots were in similar area so this also helped. He thought there might be some bullets that missed especially if the shooter was unsure if Greg was hit.

The crew got out the metal detectors and scoured the area. Also based on the type of bullet, the perceived range of the shot so a perimeter was determined. The crew knew they would need more people to maintain the site so they called headquarters. Unfortunately, they didn’t tell Anthony they called for more people. Daniel’s fears were realized. The 6 o’clock news in Washington was starting to report the FBI was headed to the Congressman’s district for a reported shooting. It wasn’t much of a report, yet the media knew and many National reporters were headed out to find out more in the morning.

Sandra got the call from Greg’s office that they saw the report and wanted to know what was going on. Sandra told them everything she know, apologized for not being honest before, asked them to make no comments when they press called, and hung up the phone and cried for the umpteenth time. Her friend Greg had started calling also. And he wouldn’t stop. Greg, the friend’s bosses wanted info and they pressured him incessantly the whole evening so he had to call until he got through. This was too much for Sandra, she called the Congressional office again and told them she was turning off her phone and she would call them in the morning.

Half way around the world, certain members of the Iranian government’s foreign intelligence agency’s monitoring agents were being interrogated. Someone was trying to set up back channels with the Americans. And yet based on the intel they were gathering this wasn’t the mainstream American intelligence group. Had the Iranian government discovered some rogue agents? And one particular person was a bit upset at himself for not getting more information before killing a certain person. He really wanted and needed to know what was going on. If there was a split in the American position on Iran, what did that mean? He didn’t like surprises and everything he had learned from decrypting a certain dead agent’s computer was way too surprising. And there was more, but he couldn’t tell where it might be kept. A search of the home only found a scared wife and angry child. Somewhere there should be another computer or file or????? Too many questions open for his satisfaction. He punished himself mentally because he had always been taught, in fact it was supposed to be engrained in his head; know everything you can before acting. He realized he didn’t know anything before acting. His superiors were furious, yet he was even angrier at himself. What did all this mean? And the fact Americans were in the country for any reason was a complete surprise. How?

Sunday, August 13, 2017

3 Thoughts

1) We need to remember the Civil War for what truly happened. We tore up our country; pit brother against brother, family against family; horrible destruction of cities all over something morally abhorrent: slavery. Yes, people fought and died valiantly on the battlefield, yet they never should have. It was a horrible time in our history. Remembered and taught, but nothing to be proud. 

2) Free speech matters and it is guaranteed by our Constitution, yet when it disavows the principals of our Constitution people are required to address the issue. This doesn't allow for violence, but it needs to be addressed. And this goes for any group who puts themselves above the law; our Constitution; and our values. Hatred from any one group against another is treason against our Country, whether left or right….including demeaning and disparaging others. 

3) We have a responsibility as citizens to stand up for what is right. This means better leadership needs to be recruited. We need to find people in our communities that all can trust and respect to basically draft them to run. This is a call to action at all levels of government. We have let our government fail us on so many levels. Some empirical evidence is the approval rating of Congress over the last few years and the horrid choices we had in 2016. This isn't about them though it is about the need for us to realize our country is under attack by hate from within and without. We need to rise up and instill our values back into our government and our society. This won't be easy, yet doing the right thing rarely is. 

What happened in Charlotte is tragic, what happens next says much about where we are headed.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

And back to the story……………………(finally)

About a year before the shooting

Sandra was having lunch with Greg, however, this was not her husband. It was just a coincident his name was Greg. She was still sorting out her feelings. She had never wanted to come to D. C. yet because she loved her husband she came and did her best.

And then after a few years of having the days to herself, she met Greg. She sometimes wondered if she felt safe with him because of the name. She wasn’t looking for an affair or really anything. He had come into her life and taken over her days. He said he was a part time free lance writer and a lobbyist. This made sense to her since this is Washington so she never questioned him about his work. He always was free though during the day. No matter what day or what time, he was always there willing to spend whatever time he could with her. He made no demands. They had made love a couple of times. SHe felt guilty about it and knew she should break it off with Greg. Yet he gave her something to do while her husband worked.

And it wasn’t like Greg ignored her. He was always making time for them as a couple. They went on short vacations regularly and made regular trips back home. And she was use to Greg being busy. He had his own business so he was always working. So even though busy, time and attention to her did not change from his previous life.

It was just this Greg was always ready to go. He kept in touch constantly. She wasn’t in love with him and had only made love to him to see if she was attracted to him that way. She wasn’t sure. He just kept coming and coming at her never too strong, yet, always making sure he spent time with her. Sometimes she worried why he was so involved, yet he overcame her daily boredom so she continued seeing him.

And Greg knew exactly what his goal was with seeing Sandra. He was paid handsomely to make sure they had an affair. So he had plenty of pictures of them together, even the couple of times they made love. He really didn’t pressure her for more. He had enough pictures for his purpose. His employer still wanted him to get more. So he tried. He had other things to do at night and could see other women that did interest him when Greg and Sandra were away. Being handsome, great at small talk in many languages, constantly vigilant to his task make him the perfect person to have affairs with the wives of prominent people for the purpose his employer needed. He always chose a name that was already familiar to the wife he was seducing. This was not the first time he had used the husband’s name. One day he would disappear and the information he had would be used if needed. He knew they wanted something on her. Her husband just wasn’t falling in line as a Representative in D. C. He acted too much on his own for their desires.

Two days after the shooting.

Sheriff Daniel was at the clinic where Greg was still staying. The Doctor didn’t feel he could move him again. They kept him in a semi comatose state as best they could so he could rest and hopefully recover. It was difficult in the clinic especially since they had to keep him in one room and only had what he could bring over from the hospital or send over with a nurse. The Doctor wanted to do more surgery soon, yet for now he was satisfied keeping him stable. Greg needed to build up his strength before any more surgery.

The Sheriff though was uncomfortable. He still had no clues as to what happened except for the people that showed up that first night and they had not been seen since. He had done multiple trips around the county, discreetly called a few motels within an hour or so of the hospital. He didn’t want to ask too many questions. He really didn’t want what happened to get out. He hated the press and if they heard a Congressman was shot and on top of it hidden in a Clinic not in a hospital he knew the press would go crazy. He was glad they were primarily a rural community so Greg not being visible everyday wouldn’t draw too much attention.

He jumped up and told the Doctor who had access to the video cameras around the hospital. The Doctor said it was up to their regular security. Sheriff was slapping himself mentally. Why hadn’t he thought about viewing the film of the night the people in the black suburban came by. It had been two days.

The doctor called the hospital and their security guard starting pulling up the night in question’s video. The hospital didn’t have much going on so they didn’t keep their video onsight for very long. They stored it. Luckily they still had the video that was needed. Sheriff Daniel arrived at the hospital and viewed the video. There was something about it that didn’t add up. He had asked to view it by himself for safety and security’s sake so he couldn’t ask anyone their opinion. He felt it, there was something off. He viewed it over and over again. Slowly it dawned on him. Most of the video was clear, he could make out cars, faces, himself, the rooms, but when he viewed the encounter with the people that came from the van, the video seemed blurry, faces were hard to identify. He remembered them, yet there were not looking familiar. The video seemed tampered, but only where the people or the van was in the picture. This disturbed him greatly This was serious sophistication. He realized it was only because he watched so much video did he realize there was a difference in the frames. He knew a Congressman getting shot was dangerous trouble. Seeing the video, he knew he events were way over his head.  He did not know who to turn for advice. He trusted no one now.

He saved the video to a computer and sent a copy to his work email. He shuddered at the thought that someone maybe watching his email for just such a move. He saved the file under three separate file names on the computer after sending the email; just in case.

He went back to the clinic and again slapped himself mentally, again. Even though Congress was on their traditional summer break; a Congressman receives an inordinate amount of people trying to communicate with them on all types of business. And no one from the office had called. Which was good, he had originally thought, but now he worried someone from the office in D.C. may come looking for him. He realized Greg would be the one answering any calls on his phone. He thought to himself, here I am one of his best friends and there is so many things I am not thinking of, just driving around chasing ghosts that have long gone for the last two days.

He asked Sandra if she had heard from the office. She looked at him and said I hadn’t paid attention. They looked for Greg’s phone among his belongings.  They were glad the person that found him, knew to keep this quiet, yet he didn’t bring much more than Greg. The Doctor called the hospital to see were there any personal belongings. The nurse he trusted checked and said she had put some stuff in a bag and put in the Doctor’s office closet. She went to retrieve the contents. There was a phone, however, it seemed a bullet had struck it and it was useless.

This caused more distress for the sheriff for he knew sooner rather than later someone was going to inquire as to why no one could reach Greg.

Sandra called the office at the Sheriff’s request. It was a skeleton staff. She asked if everything was okay and the whole office states “no its not!”. Where is the Congressman? We haven’t heard anything in three days. Sandra explained Greg was hunting and here she told the truth. His phone had been accidentally shot and no please don’t ask, she had no idea as to why, but he will get a new phone soon. For now she was checking in for him. He was out hunting again today, yet they were to keep that quiet to the press, just say he was still on vacation resting and studying the legislation for the upcoming session. At the Sheriff’s very specific request; she mentioned that Greg did want to catch up so could they send a copy of the visitor and phone log for the last week. Yes, email would be fine for now, however, also send a hard copy in case he wanted to make notes for future reference. The sheriff wanted it emailed for expediency, then as Sandra was speaking he remembered about the video so he wanted at least an attempt to corroborate what he received. Sandra also reminded them to keep all the logs secure. The staff complied immediately feeling better about Greg. And they realized once this task was done, they better start studying the upcoming legislation to be ready for Greg’s return. They knew they would be drilled on details. Greg always wanted to make the best decisions and had chosen his staff to give him honest feedback about their work. Luckily for the Sheriff this was a very disciplined to task staff.

Now the other Greg was still seeing Sandra. He knew she was at home with the Congressman and since this was his only target for the last year he was surprised when he received an urgent message from his employer. Any way he could attempt to contact Sandra back home they asked. He wasn’t sure this was a good idea. His discretion was a valuable tool for his work. Showing up in someone’s hometown asking questions wasn’t the best idea. And there seemed to be a feeling of urgency in his employer’s tone, yet he was able to persuade them he shouldn’t go. He promised to try and reach Sandra discreetly. This was easy, he knew some of the Congressman’s habits so calling her timely didn’t worry him.

Sandra didn’t answer the call since the Doctor and the Sheriff were always around. She was glad they were around. She did not think this was a time for Greg. She loved her husband and now all she wanted was for him to survive and get well. She decided she would quit seeing Greg and focus on being there for her husband. Greg called once or twice yesterday and again today. She needed him to stop, yet she couldn’t answer to tell him that. She played it smart and did not answer any calls unless from them or their daughter who went out occasionally to get food and other items as needed. Even her own Mother called and she let it go to voicemail. Even though the Sheriff noticed she was getting calls, it seemed normal for her not to answer them all. He knew she was suffering greatly internally. He could see it in her eyes.

Foreign policy was always tricky for Congress. Primarily this was an executive branch function, yet everyone in D.C. had to have their say in everything including Congress. The same week Greg was shot two Congressman were on a call. One was trying to convince the other that he needed to vote yes for some legislation the Speaker was going to bring to the floor the first days back. The second Congressman wasn’t too enthusiastic about it. There was nothing in it for him. He was promised any legislation he needed in the future would be arranged. He told the first Congressman he would think about it. The first Congressman relayed the info to the Speaker. The Speaker needed a strong showing in the House so he could help the Senate Majority leader have momentum to pass it in the Senate. He was struggling to get the votes he needed and couldn’t put his fingers on why.

He had dinner with one of his donors that night. The donor was also concerned.

To be continued

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Let’s try to win a popularity contest…

I doubt I ever will

The Elitist Democrats just do not understand they are part of the problem, and their so called solutions sound wonderful (to them) and yet where do we stand as a nation

They keep turning their nose on all those ignorant Trump supporters when they are just as responsible as anyone else for the resurrection of the far right. 

First of all, how can you point fingers at people’s ignorance when no one including these wonderful elitists have made the effort to really make our education system better. The expectations for what we expect from public education keeps declining generation after generation.  What have they done?  They sit in their ivory towers all day, reading all the appropriate books and developing an extensive vocabulary, yet creating an environment where the average Joe in the “fly over” states has the same opportunities as them is woefully absent.

Sure, not every Joe, has levels of intellect etc… yet sound basics across the board in all areas of education slowly declines year after year. How can you criticize someone for not knowing they need a better education because you never gave it to them?

Both parties are at fault, yet it is the elitist Democrats who throw ignorance in the face of the ignorance. This is like the parents, who after their child has just committed some horrible tragedy, say  I do not understand, we read all the right parent books. Well, what did you DO as a parent?

Or how about the wonderful success of the war on poverty. A great phrase if there ever was one, yet we have generational poverty growing exponentially. And some areas of our country are in such decline that crime is the only way of life. You cannot institute a policy based on a phrase and then when it doesn’t work, not make adjustments or even overhaul the whole program. The concept of eradicating poverty is great. Actually doing it, means being ready to make adjustments on the fly, change or improve what isn’t working, create new weapons to battle the problem. You called it a war (and maybe rightfully so) yet you have to be prepared to fight different types of battles throughout the war to win.

We may never completely conquer poverty, yet it is noble to continue the fight and make incremental steps generation over generation. Instead as mentioned above we have done the opposite.

So if you complain about hate, racism, ignorance and how that has affected our country, what have you done for our country lately? These are cancers eating away at the fabric of what we can be and who we say we are to the rest of the world.

It takes effort and understanding to achieve good public policy. I am switching gears here a bit, yet this is still mainly directed at the elitist establishment Democrats. Just like we do not need a businessman running our country because a business person is trained to view the world from one view point and that is the profit and success of the business. That person may not be well rounded enough to understand that public policy needs development that benefits the whole of the country. The elitists have a dissimilar mindset, they see public policy through their eyes only, but it has the same end result, it they cannot understand that no matter how good the idea everyone needs to understand it is a good idea. And I am definitely not saying they have good ideas, this is just a reflection of thought.

The example in my head to try and back this point does fall back on a good idea. At one point small pox was a horrible disease that ravaged the planet so when a vaccine was developed that prevented people from contracting small pox, people had a fresh understanding of why this vaccine was good. Many people didn’t accept it, yet overall you could educate the majority because the horrors of the disease were known. Now we have so many vaccines, or flu shots or whatever that the importance of them to many is lost. Now we are told to go get these shots and many truly do not see the worth.  The good that has eventually been accomplished is not understood by the vast majority that feel their lives are being dictated to receive these shots. In short, there is an educational disconnect or a practical understanding disconnect.

So when you have people who cannot see the benefit of something so straight forward, how are they going to understand the benefits of health care reform or immigration reform. It is easier to believe that a wall will work because they can visualize the wall. Elitists telling me their health care plan is better for me when I do not see the benefits can be shot down with attacks from the far right who want to destroy rather than build. These same elitists cannot see this basic premise. Human nature does not allow being told what to do, because someone else I do not agree with says it is better. This is a slow walk process.

We still need healthcare reform and immigration reform and a whole host of other policy to help our country, yet when at least a third of the country is being led astray by extremism due to indifference by the people who say the know the most; what do you honestly expect can be done.

3 immediate post scripts: a) sorry, got rushed when trying to write this so left out more of what I wanted to say, and probably didn’t say what I wanted  and didn’t edit since I tend to never get back to it   b) I am an independent conservative so even though I mention the elitist liberals having ideas, doesn’t generally mean I agree with them.  c) I promise to get back to my story soon, have some ideas, just need to sit down and go with the flow, also the world tends to get in the way of being productive and all I have time for is my personal rants  ( and that is self humor)

Cheers all

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

So, you think you are Pro life

Everyone is obsessed with defining pro-life as whether or not you are pro-abortion or against abortion. And this misses the whole point of what pro-life is really all about. So …

If you are for life from conception to grave, you are pro life

If you are for better education for our youth, you are pro-life (and helping people with lifelong learning)

If you are for opportunities for everyone, you are pro-life…….  ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” applies

If you are for better elder care and dignity, you are pro life

If you are for a health care system that lets people live long prosperous lives for a reasonable cost, you are pro life

If you understand and are for helping people make good choices in life, you are pro life

If you believe human trafficking is a travesty and needs to be stopped, you are pro life

If you believe in free speech and the right to petition the government with your grievances you are pro life

If you believe people less fortunate than you are people, you are pro-life   (and this includes doing a better job with the mentally ill and mental illness)

If you believe that immigration is not a crime, just a way to find a better life, you are pro life

If you believe that respecting each and every human being for being who they are, for contributing to the better good, for standing up for yourself and believing in yourself and again which is the most important…… all humans deserve to be treated with the utmost respect and we should treat each other accordingly, then you are pro life

Anything less, well…. I honestly believe it is not up to us to judge each other, but if you cannot believe in the above and maybe even more, you should look in the mirror hard because you need to ask yourself, are you pro-life.

And yes, I am being lazy about my current story, seems hard to get motivated once you have been away from it for a bit. Still honest to writing on it the actual day I write so who knows what twists will come next. One thing I can say for sure is I am not following the ideas and information I am skimming through in the books on writing I recently received as a present. Sheesh I am way off base.

Anyway, humid and not too hot here in North Texas this week. some rain here and there