Sunday, August 6, 2017

Let’s try to win a popularity contest…

I doubt I ever will

The Elitist Democrats just do not understand they are part of the problem, and their so called solutions sound wonderful (to them) and yet where do we stand as a nation

They keep turning their nose on all those ignorant Trump supporters when they are just as responsible as anyone else for the resurrection of the far right. 

First of all, how can you point fingers at people’s ignorance when no one including these wonderful elitists have made the effort to really make our education system better. The expectations for what we expect from public education keeps declining generation after generation.  What have they done?  They sit in their ivory towers all day, reading all the appropriate books and developing an extensive vocabulary, yet creating an environment where the average Joe in the “fly over” states has the same opportunities as them is woefully absent.

Sure, not every Joe, has levels of intellect etc… yet sound basics across the board in all areas of education slowly declines year after year. How can you criticize someone for not knowing they need a better education because you never gave it to them?

Both parties are at fault, yet it is the elitist Democrats who throw ignorance in the face of the ignorance. This is like the parents, who after their child has just committed some horrible tragedy, say  I do not understand, we read all the right parent books. Well, what did you DO as a parent?

Or how about the wonderful success of the war on poverty. A great phrase if there ever was one, yet we have generational poverty growing exponentially. And some areas of our country are in such decline that crime is the only way of life. You cannot institute a policy based on a phrase and then when it doesn’t work, not make adjustments or even overhaul the whole program. The concept of eradicating poverty is great. Actually doing it, means being ready to make adjustments on the fly, change or improve what isn’t working, create new weapons to battle the problem. You called it a war (and maybe rightfully so) yet you have to be prepared to fight different types of battles throughout the war to win.

We may never completely conquer poverty, yet it is noble to continue the fight and make incremental steps generation over generation. Instead as mentioned above we have done the opposite.

So if you complain about hate, racism, ignorance and how that has affected our country, what have you done for our country lately? These are cancers eating away at the fabric of what we can be and who we say we are to the rest of the world.

It takes effort and understanding to achieve good public policy. I am switching gears here a bit, yet this is still mainly directed at the elitist establishment Democrats. Just like we do not need a businessman running our country because a business person is trained to view the world from one view point and that is the profit and success of the business. That person may not be well rounded enough to understand that public policy needs development that benefits the whole of the country. The elitists have a dissimilar mindset, they see public policy through their eyes only, but it has the same end result, it they cannot understand that no matter how good the idea everyone needs to understand it is a good idea. And I am definitely not saying they have good ideas, this is just a reflection of thought.

The example in my head to try and back this point does fall back on a good idea. At one point small pox was a horrible disease that ravaged the planet so when a vaccine was developed that prevented people from contracting small pox, people had a fresh understanding of why this vaccine was good. Many people didn’t accept it, yet overall you could educate the majority because the horrors of the disease were known. Now we have so many vaccines, or flu shots or whatever that the importance of them to many is lost. Now we are told to go get these shots and many truly do not see the worth.  The good that has eventually been accomplished is not understood by the vast majority that feel their lives are being dictated to receive these shots. In short, there is an educational disconnect or a practical understanding disconnect.

So when you have people who cannot see the benefit of something so straight forward, how are they going to understand the benefits of health care reform or immigration reform. It is easier to believe that a wall will work because they can visualize the wall. Elitists telling me their health care plan is better for me when I do not see the benefits can be shot down with attacks from the far right who want to destroy rather than build. These same elitists cannot see this basic premise. Human nature does not allow being told what to do, because someone else I do not agree with says it is better. This is a slow walk process.

We still need healthcare reform and immigration reform and a whole host of other policy to help our country, yet when at least a third of the country is being led astray by extremism due to indifference by the people who say the know the most; what do you honestly expect can be done.

3 immediate post scripts: a) sorry, got rushed when trying to write this so left out more of what I wanted to say, and probably didn’t say what I wanted  and didn’t edit since I tend to never get back to it   b) I am an independent conservative so even though I mention the elitist liberals having ideas, doesn’t generally mean I agree with them.  c) I promise to get back to my story soon, have some ideas, just need to sit down and go with the flow, also the world tends to get in the way of being productive and all I have time for is my personal rants  ( and that is self humor)

Cheers all

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