Thursday, August 10, 2017

And back to the story……………………(finally)

About a year before the shooting

Sandra was having lunch with Greg, however, this was not her husband. It was just a coincident his name was Greg. She was still sorting out her feelings. She had never wanted to come to D. C. yet because she loved her husband she came and did her best.

And then after a few years of having the days to herself, she met Greg. She sometimes wondered if she felt safe with him because of the name. She wasn’t looking for an affair or really anything. He had come into her life and taken over her days. He said he was a part time free lance writer and a lobbyist. This made sense to her since this is Washington so she never questioned him about his work. He always was free though during the day. No matter what day or what time, he was always there willing to spend whatever time he could with her. He made no demands. They had made love a couple of times. SHe felt guilty about it and knew she should break it off with Greg. Yet he gave her something to do while her husband worked.

And it wasn’t like Greg ignored her. He was always making time for them as a couple. They went on short vacations regularly and made regular trips back home. And she was use to Greg being busy. He had his own business so he was always working. So even though busy, time and attention to her did not change from his previous life.

It was just this Greg was always ready to go. He kept in touch constantly. She wasn’t in love with him and had only made love to him to see if she was attracted to him that way. She wasn’t sure. He just kept coming and coming at her never too strong, yet, always making sure he spent time with her. Sometimes she worried why he was so involved, yet he overcame her daily boredom so she continued seeing him.

And Greg knew exactly what his goal was with seeing Sandra. He was paid handsomely to make sure they had an affair. So he had plenty of pictures of them together, even the couple of times they made love. He really didn’t pressure her for more. He had enough pictures for his purpose. His employer still wanted him to get more. So he tried. He had other things to do at night and could see other women that did interest him when Greg and Sandra were away. Being handsome, great at small talk in many languages, constantly vigilant to his task make him the perfect person to have affairs with the wives of prominent people for the purpose his employer needed. He always chose a name that was already familiar to the wife he was seducing. This was not the first time he had used the husband’s name. One day he would disappear and the information he had would be used if needed. He knew they wanted something on her. Her husband just wasn’t falling in line as a Representative in D. C. He acted too much on his own for their desires.

Two days after the shooting.

Sheriff Daniel was at the clinic where Greg was still staying. The Doctor didn’t feel he could move him again. They kept him in a semi comatose state as best they could so he could rest and hopefully recover. It was difficult in the clinic especially since they had to keep him in one room and only had what he could bring over from the hospital or send over with a nurse. The Doctor wanted to do more surgery soon, yet for now he was satisfied keeping him stable. Greg needed to build up his strength before any more surgery.

The Sheriff though was uncomfortable. He still had no clues as to what happened except for the people that showed up that first night and they had not been seen since. He had done multiple trips around the county, discreetly called a few motels within an hour or so of the hospital. He didn’t want to ask too many questions. He really didn’t want what happened to get out. He hated the press and if they heard a Congressman was shot and on top of it hidden in a Clinic not in a hospital he knew the press would go crazy. He was glad they were primarily a rural community so Greg not being visible everyday wouldn’t draw too much attention.

He jumped up and told the Doctor who had access to the video cameras around the hospital. The Doctor said it was up to their regular security. Sheriff was slapping himself mentally. Why hadn’t he thought about viewing the film of the night the people in the black suburban came by. It had been two days.

The doctor called the hospital and their security guard starting pulling up the night in question’s video. The hospital didn’t have much going on so they didn’t keep their video onsight for very long. They stored it. Luckily they still had the video that was needed. Sheriff Daniel arrived at the hospital and viewed the video. There was something about it that didn’t add up. He had asked to view it by himself for safety and security’s sake so he couldn’t ask anyone their opinion. He felt it, there was something off. He viewed it over and over again. Slowly it dawned on him. Most of the video was clear, he could make out cars, faces, himself, the rooms, but when he viewed the encounter with the people that came from the van, the video seemed blurry, faces were hard to identify. He remembered them, yet there were not looking familiar. The video seemed tampered, but only where the people or the van was in the picture. This disturbed him greatly This was serious sophistication. He realized it was only because he watched so much video did he realize there was a difference in the frames. He knew a Congressman getting shot was dangerous trouble. Seeing the video, he knew he events were way over his head.  He did not know who to turn for advice. He trusted no one now.

He saved the video to a computer and sent a copy to his work email. He shuddered at the thought that someone maybe watching his email for just such a move. He saved the file under three separate file names on the computer after sending the email; just in case.

He went back to the clinic and again slapped himself mentally, again. Even though Congress was on their traditional summer break; a Congressman receives an inordinate amount of people trying to communicate with them on all types of business. And no one from the office had called. Which was good, he had originally thought, but now he worried someone from the office in D.C. may come looking for him. He realized Greg would be the one answering any calls on his phone. He thought to himself, here I am one of his best friends and there is so many things I am not thinking of, just driving around chasing ghosts that have long gone for the last two days.

He asked Sandra if she had heard from the office. She looked at him and said I hadn’t paid attention. They looked for Greg’s phone among his belongings.  They were glad the person that found him, knew to keep this quiet, yet he didn’t bring much more than Greg. The Doctor called the hospital to see were there any personal belongings. The nurse he trusted checked and said she had put some stuff in a bag and put in the Doctor’s office closet. She went to retrieve the contents. There was a phone, however, it seemed a bullet had struck it and it was useless.

This caused more distress for the sheriff for he knew sooner rather than later someone was going to inquire as to why no one could reach Greg.

Sandra called the office at the Sheriff’s request. It was a skeleton staff. She asked if everything was okay and the whole office states “no its not!”. Where is the Congressman? We haven’t heard anything in three days. Sandra explained Greg was hunting and here she told the truth. His phone had been accidentally shot and no please don’t ask, she had no idea as to why, but he will get a new phone soon. For now she was checking in for him. He was out hunting again today, yet they were to keep that quiet to the press, just say he was still on vacation resting and studying the legislation for the upcoming session. At the Sheriff’s very specific request; she mentioned that Greg did want to catch up so could they send a copy of the visitor and phone log for the last week. Yes, email would be fine for now, however, also send a hard copy in case he wanted to make notes for future reference. The sheriff wanted it emailed for expediency, then as Sandra was speaking he remembered about the video so he wanted at least an attempt to corroborate what he received. Sandra also reminded them to keep all the logs secure. The staff complied immediately feeling better about Greg. And they realized once this task was done, they better start studying the upcoming legislation to be ready for Greg’s return. They knew they would be drilled on details. Greg always wanted to make the best decisions and had chosen his staff to give him honest feedback about their work. Luckily for the Sheriff this was a very disciplined to task staff.

Now the other Greg was still seeing Sandra. He knew she was at home with the Congressman and since this was his only target for the last year he was surprised when he received an urgent message from his employer. Any way he could attempt to contact Sandra back home they asked. He wasn’t sure this was a good idea. His discretion was a valuable tool for his work. Showing up in someone’s hometown asking questions wasn’t the best idea. And there seemed to be a feeling of urgency in his employer’s tone, yet he was able to persuade them he shouldn’t go. He promised to try and reach Sandra discreetly. This was easy, he knew some of the Congressman’s habits so calling her timely didn’t worry him.

Sandra didn’t answer the call since the Doctor and the Sheriff were always around. She was glad they were around. She did not think this was a time for Greg. She loved her husband and now all she wanted was for him to survive and get well. She decided she would quit seeing Greg and focus on being there for her husband. Greg called once or twice yesterday and again today. She needed him to stop, yet she couldn’t answer to tell him that. She played it smart and did not answer any calls unless from them or their daughter who went out occasionally to get food and other items as needed. Even her own Mother called and she let it go to voicemail. Even though the Sheriff noticed she was getting calls, it seemed normal for her not to answer them all. He knew she was suffering greatly internally. He could see it in her eyes.

Foreign policy was always tricky for Congress. Primarily this was an executive branch function, yet everyone in D.C. had to have their say in everything including Congress. The same week Greg was shot two Congressman were on a call. One was trying to convince the other that he needed to vote yes for some legislation the Speaker was going to bring to the floor the first days back. The second Congressman wasn’t too enthusiastic about it. There was nothing in it for him. He was promised any legislation he needed in the future would be arranged. He told the first Congressman he would think about it. The first Congressman relayed the info to the Speaker. The Speaker needed a strong showing in the House so he could help the Senate Majority leader have momentum to pass it in the Senate. He was struggling to get the votes he needed and couldn’t put his fingers on why.

He had dinner with one of his donors that night. The donor was also concerned.

To be continued

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