Monday, August 21, 2017

Same song, who knows what verse

As we get closer to Trump no longer being President whether in 2020 or before and the 2018 midterms fast approaching, what options do we have.

Well not any new ones.

Once Trump leaves the White House, the Republican establishment will feel pretty comfortable passing their agenda that supports the one percenters. They will try to find some bone to throw to the Trump supporters, however, it will not be taken. We will get some sort of repeal of the ACA, what it does to the middle and working class for medical coverage and health care is anyone’s nightmare. Yet, the Trump supporters will not find anything enough. They will continue to be angry. And a bit chaotic. They are still angry at Washington. Trump was supposed to turn the tables on Washington and they bought into it hard. The alt right and possible Russian trolls will continue to fuel their anger. This won’t be a pretty site.

And the Democrats are still the party of Trump bad, we good. I have not seen nor heard any new ideas coming from the leadership or rank and file. They are in the same mind set they were going into November 2016. We should be elected because we are nicer??????? Really????????

The Democrats haven’t had a new idea since the wonderful concept of a war on poverty. Unfortunately, their tactics failed and now we have multi-generational poverty. And yet they are nicer, they think this counts for much. It still doesn’t solve the excessiveness of government handouts, nor make the ACA better, nor resolve Social Security’s upcoming debacle, nor encourage business investment in this country, nor help move the country forward with the transition to renewable energy, nor create better infrastructure, nor work to resolve the wealth divide, nor retrain the group of people who are mad at D.C. so they can feel they have a future, nor improve education overall, nor bring back some curbs the Republicans took away on the financial industry, nor improve air and water quality, nor plan ahead for water and food needs as resources get more scarce, nor re-instill the values that makes us great, and add whatever else you think this country needs to work on.

And believe or not, I am still optimistic. It may not sound like it based on the preceding paragraphs, however, we have done wonders in the past and we can still grab the 21st century by the horns so to speak and show the world that active engagement of a people does bode well.  Yes, some of our success was driven by people trying to make a buck, yet overall, we are educated enough to let a capitalist economy grow with what we have learned in making sure all prosper, not just a few.

Think of the great projects this country has accomplished. In the 1800’s we built the St. Lawrence Seaway and connected the continent with railroads. We overcame the horror of slavery. By the end of the century workers were standing up for their rights and the right to be treated with dignity as a member of the working class. This grew into the 1900’s.
Also in the 1900’s women achieved the right to vote. We developed a most excellent national park program. We built an interstate highway system.  We with others won another war where we overcame another horrible evil. We put a man on the moon. And we continued to put into practice the notion that all men are created equal. We still have much to go on this front, yet we have taken steps forward.

So why do we abdicate our responsibilities as citizens and let the one percenters try to run the country and hate try to run us into the ground? The clear majority of this country does not belong to either group. When we realize this, and force our leaders to respond to what is best overall for the country, the sky is truly the limit.

I have previously laid out some economic development plans, ideas to improve social security, a political platform that tries to generate economic growth through managing down the size of the government without taking away what it does to protect the people, new ways to improve education and much more. So, if I can type away in my living room and at least put forth new ideas, we should be able to get together and develop the future all of us want. And I am not saying my ideas are better than everyone else’s. I am saying the two major parties though have not even attempted to create a future.  I am saying there are thousands of good ideas, we just need to recruit better leaders using a broad approach to tackling many problems, and recreate how we are great.

This country is great because many people made it great. Time for many people to put into practice what we have preached for centuries now. All men are created equal. And the way to begin is to make sure equal opportunity exists for all.

I hope you are having a good evening. I hope you enjoyed the solar eclipse. And I hope you realize no one person should do everything. If we all contribute, we all benefit.

And I will get back to the story soon.  My imagination is slowly becoming enmeshed in it.

And on a side note I have some tweaks to add to my ideas about improving Social Security’s financial health. I will get to those sometime when I add to my policy ideas. I may do something similar to what I did in the 2012 election time frame and come up with a new and improved party platform just to show practical governance is not out of the realm of possibility heading into 2018.

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