Friday, August 25, 2017

A bit more of the story…… and a bit of a table of contents sort of

Before I add a bit to the story I thought I would help you remember which posts have parts of the story.
07/05 Read me a Story Grandpa .. started it off
07/12 Comments then more story    (2nd part)
07/24 A comment then more story   part 3
08/10 Back to the story……finally       (part 4)
08/19 The Story goes on                      (part 5)

So on to part 6

Sheriff Daniel and FBI agent Anthony were in the Sheriff’s office talking to Anthony’s supervisor. So far, the press had been contained in one area of town where Anthony had held the first press conference. At this point, no real information was given to the press. Anthony was reporting this like an unsolved hunting accident. And for every question asked, the answer was Greg was the local Representative and we are just making sure since the actual shooter had not come forward. No reward, possibly no criminal charges; just wanting someone to come forward and admit the mistake. For now, that was what the press was being fed.

The conversation with Anthony’s supervisor was much different because all three of them were trying to wrap their heads around the very real fact there were two separate shooters and one of the shooters may have been the group that the Sheriff met at the hospital. And even this was conjecture.

The investigation had gone well, really well which caused the absolute fear in them of how much of a crime or conspiracy they may have on their hands.  The metal detectors found 12 rounds fired into the trees and ground past where Greg was found. This was what they found. They were not close to sure if this was all. Once they started finding each bullet they expanded their search. Then the trick was to find the original location of the shooters hoping to find any shells.

They knew by the fact that one set of bullets was from a hunting rifle they might be able to find them if they could determine the angle of where the shots hit the body and work outwards. It was the second set of bullets that bothered them the most. And it looked like the first shooter hit Greg and he fell right as the second set of bullets splashed the area behind where he lay.

Best guesses proved to be right. They determined the angle of the first shooter fanned out in that direction and at about 100 yards they found the shell casings. They figured the other shooters were further out and at a different location which turned out to be true. The amazing what seemed to be fact was that both shooters or sets of shooters did not know each other was out there. The difference in when the shots were fired had to be just seconds apart, but how did the second group not hear the first person or group right before they started shooting. Yes, the woods were very thick here except for the trail the Congressman was on, but the noise alone should have attracted some attention. They did determine there were different hunting groups out that day after the sheriff had talked to some people he knew. Maybe just maybe everyone was shooting around the same time, which the second group may have picked up as the locals and were glad for the noise.

Anthony was sure the group that was further out were professionals especially based on Sheriff Daniel’s description of the men from the SUV. It was the first shooter that had everyone confused. Was this an amateur? Was this a real accidental shooting? And they were using the knowledge of the first shooter to give bits and pieces to the press to keep the accidental shooting story going. They also wanted this info out to confuse the second group. So, the press heard about the shell casings from the shooter that actually hit Greg. The team wasn’t going anywhere, Anthony just hoped some world breaking news would happen so they would accept this theory and move on so he could continue the investigation in private. He needed the team to really scour the woods in the areas of the shooters to find as much as they could. Luck was on his side. While he was talking to his supervisor, the team found some interesting tire tracks. They marked them and came back to their hotel since getting dark. They stopped by the office to give Anthony their report while Anthony was still on the phone

Right after Anthony finished his report verbally with his supervisor, he sent a rough written transcript via email he had worked on while talking. A copy of that report was acquired while in transit and made it to Paul’s contact on the phone. They were more disturbed than the FBI and extremely angry at the failure of their men to hit the target. And who else targeted the Congressman. They had their reasons for killing him. It was dangerous enough they had to take this path. They had no remorse in what they did, but saved killing for the very last resort. This shouldn’t have come to this, yet now, they had a potentially live Congressman who could come back to the House and keep working. And worse an unknown player with no known motive. Were there others with an agenda they didn’t know about? They always knew they were in charge. Now, deep deep down, a bit of apprehension filled the room.

The CIA agent met his counterpart in Saudi Arabia. He was there to confirm the report of American activity in Iran. The Saud was furious. Why would Americans try to make clandestine contact with Iranian officials? Now rumor had it some of those same officials were dead, but it was unknown if all potential contacts were dead or were there others still working with the Americans. The American agent was trying his best to reassure the Saud, however, there were big gaps in the American’s story. And that was because many on the American side had no idea what had happened, who had authorized contact with the Iranians, and why. Someone high up did, because reports of multiple contacts over months were starting to materialize.

Paul’s employers knew about the meeting between the CIA and the Sauds, they waited patiently for their response. Officially from the Palace and the White House there was no discussion, yet both leaders knew and trust was diminishing on one side.

And one small group in the CIA and NSA waited patiently to hear about Greg’s health. He knew much of their project and his role going forward was still very vital. They did not communicate. Their instructions were silence on all channels. They were smart. They had learned much from the old rouge agents running around the world. Paper works and paper burns, no trail at all. And in today’s electronic world, many people forget how simple it was to pass paper amongst all sorts of daily junk that went through offices.

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