Sunday, August 13, 2017

3 Thoughts

1) We need to remember the Civil War for what truly happened. We tore up our country; pit brother against brother, family against family; horrible destruction of cities all over something morally abhorrent: slavery. Yes, people fought and died valiantly on the battlefield, yet they never should have. It was a horrible time in our history. Remembered and taught, but nothing to be proud. 

2) Free speech matters and it is guaranteed by our Constitution, yet when it disavows the principals of our Constitution people are required to address the issue. This doesn't allow for violence, but it needs to be addressed. And this goes for any group who puts themselves above the law; our Constitution; and our values. Hatred from any one group against another is treason against our Country, whether left or right….including demeaning and disparaging others. 

3) We have a responsibility as citizens to stand up for what is right. This means better leadership needs to be recruited. We need to find people in our communities that all can trust and respect to basically draft them to run. This is a call to action at all levels of government. We have let our government fail us on so many levels. Some empirical evidence is the approval rating of Congress over the last few years and the horrid choices we had in 2016. This isn't about them though it is about the need for us to realize our country is under attack by hate from within and without. We need to rise up and instill our values back into our government and our society. This won't be easy, yet doing the right thing rarely is. 

What happened in Charlotte is tragic, what happens next says much about where we are headed.

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