Thursday, September 6, 2018

Produce the pictures, Mr. President

If they exist, we need to see them. You might create many more supporters if you do. Might be a bit hilarious also.

There is no won’t produce them Mr. President. You either produce them or you cannot produce them. If you cannot, you have opened up something more dangerous than pandoras box by saying you have them.

Mr. President, sorry to say there may be some of your supporters that still believe you, but any chance of holding onto some semblance of respectability is lost if you cannot produce the pictures.

So, why did you even bring them up? You need to produce the pictures. The statement is so strange that not being able to back it up proves everything in print about you and your administration that has been released, written, and said this week. If you have them, produce them.

This is not my ultimatum, but one you created for yourself. And I know I am not the only person on the planet who wants to see them or is requesting you release them. Even Fox News has to be a bit curious and would love for you to produce them.

Do we force the issue and use a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act? What happens next?

Mr. President I do not want a Constitutional Crisis. You apparently do.

At the very least late-night television shows ought to be somewhat interesting tonight. Sheesh

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