Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Who should be in charge

If you want the free market to work, then all players need to have skin and benefit in the game. Currently the consumers and workers are losing both. This imbalance cannot be sustained without consequences. What those may be, no one knows, but eventually when the world is out of balance something will attempt to rectify it.

I prefer we keep our values and Constitution so hopefully we can put things back in balance through the means our forefathers created. Unfortunately, the large corporations have built up so much moneyed influence in Congress for their own greed this imbalance is growing out of control. Their greed is so predominant they think they can treat the workers and consumers as their serfs. We are to accept what they give us without question. Our input as a consumer is going by the wayside. We buy what they provide with no choice and ever rising prices and lessening quality and service with our opinions or are money as consumers having no value in the corporations’ eye. And as we all know, wages are stagnant for the middle and working class, while the income and wealth gap grows for the donor class.

Government when it tilts and represents one side over the other is failing in its purpose. Government, as per our Constitution and philosophy, is to create a balance where everyone has opportunity and no one is treated inferior. The current failure of our Congress to represent the whole of the country instead of just a few will come back to haunt all of us. The donor class will never see this, yet eventually the reality is the scales will want to balance. I hope we never run across a time where people try to overcompensate the scales in the other direction.

We must act together to hold our Congress responsible for the good of the whole country and not just the few before it is too late. I, for one, am tired of being treated like a serf so let’s work to resolve the imbalance before too many get to my feelings and they try to rebalance in unproductive ways.

So, to not answer the question, when someone thinks they are in charge, problems are inevitable.

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