Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sometimes it just isn’t crazy enough

Okay so I am being a bit sarcastic, yet day to day living can get a bit monotonous.

Our President came out on the campaign trail talking about winning and people have jumped on the term winning to get back at him. Truth though is ugly, the only people that win are Mother Nature and Father Time. The best we can do is adapt. We can stay healthy and we can keep our planet healthy, but if we don’t we lose big time.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the President’s wall. He brought this back up saying the Republicans need to toughen up and fund this wall. I agree we need serious immigration overall. What that may look like I am not sure right now. And I have said this before many times, we do not need the largest graffiti board on this planet, especially paid for by us. Mexico and the US do not need this wall, nor the madness attached to it. Biggest waste of money you can imagine. We need not just immigration reform, but a complete overall. And I am referring to this in a positive way, where we actually sit down and determine how we want to approach our economy and how immigration can benefit us. Our current Congress is not up to the task.

And while I am on the topic of craziness, I am upset at all the people that ride scooters around. If I was younger I would probably love them. And even now, I would like to try them out. I do not think people realize how fast they are going in relation to where they are in traffic or wherever they are. I live in downtown and I have no idea what these riders are thinking. They are going full speed on sidewalks and I guess they do not realize the blind spots they are running up against with drivers. And how vulnerable they are if a car hits them. I walk to work and it is bad enough they are going full speed around corners and almost hit people walking. Or riding out into traffic, I saw one guy in a bike lane make a left in front of a car in the regular lane. The car had to slam on its brakes and the guy on the scooter either had no idea of what he did or didn’t care. Two seconds away from death and no reaction. They look cool, but the people riding them are working hard to win the Darwin Awards.

And while I am on the topic of being pissed, I just do not understand that corporations or companies are pushing for people to pay online for so many different services. I cannot buy into this idea. Sounds convenient, however since we are a business first culture I am worried who is responsible if you get ripped off or your information or money gets stolen from all these apps or pay by text or whatever. You know damn good and well it won’t be the business. Consumer be damned. This is ripe for the old phrase: buyer beware. I saw a parking lot advertise to pay by text. Seriously, you think they are going to be responsible for your information. Time we hold businesses responsible for what they want us to do.

For this post and in general overall the music video STOP MAKING SENSE seems appropriate. Great music, wonderful concert concept, and great title for the modern world though made in the 1980’s. Shoot Washington stopped making sense decades ago. It is a shame that Remains in Light and Speaking in Tongues do not get the main stream recognition they deserve. Talking Heads were a great band and these two albums were way underrated by the commercial world. Maybe I should take up drumming. Ha ha ha

Cheers everyone and Fall is upon us officially this weekend. Enjoy the good of cool weather. Still love summer, but hey a good clean crisp cool morning is a great moment. Yet through it all the Doors "Summer's Almost Gone" haunts my memories every time we make this seasonal transition. 

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