Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I have empirical proof I am right.

Sinema winning the US Senate race in Arizona is great news for my thinking.

What did she do? She stayed away from the progressives and kept her message straight forward. She didn’t embellish, she focused on a few important issues to the average American and stuck to it. And I am not making great revelations here, most political pundits are saying the same.

She won. And she won in Arizona. If Beto had done the same thing he probably would have won. (more proof the Democrats are clueless)

So how does that prove I am right? As you know I state regularly that most of America is moderate to moderately conservative. And family issues such as healthcare are very important. And what did she espouse as a major theme for her campaign? Healthcare.

The Republicans have always traded in the issues that have won over the middle class, but they never cashed in. They always support the donor class once the legislation is written. The Democrats are all talk on the other side of the coin.

Ms. Sinema still needs to produce, but the message should be clear to any aspiring politician that hard work, straight forward talk on basic issues will always sell to Main street. The Republicans never produced so my next win is this shows there is promise in creating a true third major party that makes what she did a regular part of their development.

No one is truly developing basic public policy that supports the middle class. Healthcare, Social Security, infrastructure, jobs and better wages, education are all main street issues, but neither party has ever produced public policy that furthers this agenda. Throw in balancing the budget and bringing down the size of the government, reduce government intrusion and it seems Republican, yet where is the pudding? (I am a conservative)

The country is waking up that there is no pudding. Now can we make the next step and find more people like Sinema to take this to the next level? I think we can. 

If you read any of my previous posts about public policy, you see many of these themes. I am not saying I am specifically right, yet I do feel I am on track. I do have a couple of adventurous projects written into them, but overall most people are ready for someone to do what the Republicans and Democrats have not done in fifty years. Sinema even though claiming to be a Democrat took a different track than either party did this mid-term.

In my foolish optimism, am I feeling a whiff of a breeze; one that you think you feel on a very still day.  Maybe a hot and muggy day, one that just seems to weigh on you and never stops, but there is that moment from a completely different direction, maybe you felt something, maybe you saw a leaf move a bit. Are we there?


And on a completely different note, this week is a very sad week. We will face our mortality, but when it hits home, it hits. A life long best friend of mine, is succumbing to cancer. This is his second bout and very aggressive and unfortunately there is nothing that can be done this time. He lives out of town, yet I have managed to speak to a mutual friend and his wife so far. (I found out last night) There is inevitability to life, but it is staring me in the face this week. I am not good with this, at any level. Soon his suffering will stop and I do not want him to suffer. We have shared so much together, but I cannot change his situation, though I do not want to see him go. One of the worst moments is when you realize there is nothing to say. You try and it fizzles. The better half and I will try to rush down there soon and hope to get a chance to see him before he goes. For six years in college and right after we were inseparable, then life separated us, but we kept in touch. We still managed to get into a bit of trouble every now and then. There are stories not to be told and stories to share infinitely. We were family, sharing and participating in each others’ weddings and much more. Both of us stayed married till that one vow hits home, till death do you part. My brother called me this evening to check in on me and I appreciate he called. It seemed we needed to catch up. He knew my friend also. All of us go through these times, it is inevitable, it will never be better. For him I need a Miller High Life (a few), a Detroit Tigers game, and a Bob Seger tune. Cheers my friend.

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