Tuesday, November 6, 2018

On election day let’s talk about God

Have you ever noticed that if you look at a picture of hurricane from space and then a picture of a galaxy of the type like ours they look very similar? I am not talking specifically, but in general form. The hurricane has outer bands that circle the eye, but generally is one large complex of a storm circling the eye. A spiral galaxy, our type, has arms that stretch out from the center, yet overall is a large complex of stars circling the center of the galaxy.
And why do I bring this example up? No real reason except it helps illustrate another point that I cannot do the math to prove or disprove. And that is the entire universe is rotating around a center. I believe in consistency in what God created so just for my world I am thinking the universe also rotates like the moon around the earth, the earth around the sun, sun around the center of our galaxy. It makes sense for the universe to be rotating around its center or origination point, at least in my little world.
And what has the got to do with the price of tea in China or God for that matter? So lets stop there for a moment.
Ever since the dawn of humans, mankind has been trying to define or explain our creation.  And if you read ancient history, there are all sorts of theories about creation. Eventually the Judeo-Christian version of creation dominated the theological viewpoint in this part of the world. The one God, creator theory, God above all others, yet there is only one God. ( yeah, people seem to ignore that contradiction, and I’m sure some theologian has figured it out) Anyway, I am not going to argue theology and which version of creation is right because this is more about how humans have it wrong.
I am not saying the Judeo Christian version of events is incorrect, actually far from it. I believe much of this is correct, but presented in the wrong terms. I do believe there is a moral imprint on our hearts so to speak. Most people know right from wrong, even when committing something that is considered wrong. Some people do not have this in the wiring of their brain and psychologists have many terms for these people, but most people have a basic understanding of right and wrong.  And that brings up another point for the moment, science basically is the labeling, measurement, and description, or the how of creation. And this includes psychologists trying to label human behavior. Just because I say this doesn’t mean I agree with everything scientists say, yet they have great value because they are exploring the definitions and measurements of our origins.
Did Moses actually experience God with the burning bush? Or was handed the Ten Commandments directly from God? I am not sure if you have to believe the literal interpretation of the Bible to believe God does try to connect with mankind to give direction. Yet, the Ten Commandments are a great framework for mankind. I even believe some literal interpretations may not be enough. And when Jesus pretty much paraphrased them into two: Love God above everything and love your neighbor as yourself it makes life much easier. Maybe we take life too seriously. Religion sure does.
And that leads me to my point. Religion is mankind’s version of events. And this means we are viewing creation through mankind’s lenses and not through God’s. And I say that knowing we cannot view creation through God’s eyes. So we must step back and realize our lenses, our eyes are inadequate to see creation or define it. And also that there are two creations, the physical creation of our universe and then the creation of life and the ability to understand there is life and take it to the next level, the choice of life, or as some label: free will.
So how do you prove this theory? Just like the universe rotating around the center of the universe, I cannot do the math, I cannot directly explain this, because I do not have God’s eyes. I have to find some examples within the context of what we do know.
And just like the universe rotating, no one wants to believe something different from what they already know, but oops, that knowledge is through mankind’s lenses, not God’s.  I know the rotating universe is far-fetched, so people will believe that taking God to the next level is far-fetched, yet that is exactly the problem I am trying to identify. There is a level of God we cannot obtain. Mankind just isn’t ready.  

Think about it this way, Creation is always defined as being perfect, but what is perfect. We define perfection in our eyes, not God’s because we do not know what God thinks is perfection. Like in Genesis, God saw that it was good, yet what did God see that was good. Honestly we have no clue and if anyone tries to argue they are arguing religion, mankind’s lenses, not God’s.
Or to try and give the most specific example I can think of right now, try stepping back and think, if God wanted to create life, what would he need to do so. If you follow the big bang theory through to this moment, we have a wide range of factors that have to come into play that eventually led to humans arguing whose God is better. So is this perfect? Most would say no because we cannot decide whose God is right. And quite frankly most of the arguments are not whose God is right, but whose version of God is right. I break it down in more simple terms that God created us somehow,  gave us moral direction and leaves us to our own devices because he wants to see what we can do with ourselves.  And this is why we screw up so much.
Last example; God had to create life somehow, and this creation had to be perfect in God’s ways for life to come about. God created this planet for us to live on. Yet, some say the planet isn’t perfect. And there is no God because of all the bad things that happen. There are instances where the bad comes from humans, so I argue, we aren’t following God’s directions he gave us and we can change and do better. And in God’s eye this is perfect. God wanted it this way. Or people say the Bible says we must learn to accept whatever comes our way because it is God’s will. I say there is a split. The above we can control and we must. God wants us to choose. He gave us the ability to determine right from wrong and if we want to be what God wants from us we must choose good. And this means making the effort. The Saints aren’t Saints because they sat around. They proactively went out and did good. Okay, you can argue what you think about Catholicism, but the general point is we have a duty to do what is right and to teach what is right and to implement the love God and neighbor in our lives.  The other side of the split is this planet is perfect. Look at it from the concept of to create life maybe we need a dynamic planet and that dynamic planet has a core, rotates, formed to create land and water, so life could develop and eventually become us. So even though we have volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes all of which we cannot control, this does not mean the earth is not perfect. In fact, this means it is, if this is what it takes to develop life. So when the Bible says you have to accept what is God’s will, then this is the part we have to put into God’s hands and accept.
So to wrap up, we were created, we are clueless as to what God considers perfect, and we need to quit defining God in our eyes and realize, we just need to follow the most basic of precepts. God gave us free will so we are to show God we love God by doing what God taught, ie go back to Jesus’ break down of the commandments. And other than that we cannot change the physical environment of our planet, it actually works for us and destroying our planet goes against God’s will since this planet is God’s gift to us. Theology in a nutshell. Ha ha ha
This all began way too early this morning so this is what is left of all my original thoughts. Hope you voted.
okay okay, Ted Cruz is causing me to say something about the election and I really tried not to today. There are posters that popped up with the phrase Ted Cruz tough as Texas. And the bile won’t stop coming up once I saw those posters. Here is a man that let someone insult him no end on the National Stage and then the same person denigrated multiple members of his family. And then he says all is good with Trump so Trump will come down to Texas  and campaign for him. Really Ted?!?!?!?! Thank God there was a Libertarian on the ballot or I would have struggled with breaking almost 40 years of not voting for a Democrat or Republican. I do not like talking bad about people, but Ted you are not tough as Texas and I am going to leave it at that because in my mind it is real ugly. If you are a real conservative, you should be able to stand on your own merits, not ride the coattails of the most amoral President we have ever had.
Cheers again

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