Friday, November 30, 2018

Looking beyond the now

For those of you tired of politics:
I’m tired of the madness they shout
I’m mired in confusion and doubt

Okay that bit of a phrase came into my head the other day. Not sure why, so I “internet” searched it thinking I must have heard it before. I didn’t dig deep but couldn’t find anything even close. Not even a 60’s song or a rap song popped up. Still think someone must have written this down somewhere, seems to obvious. All sorts of crazy stuff did pop up from the search, but not this specific phrase. Probably need to dig deeper.

Anyway if no one has said it before, I am claiming it and even the T-shirt and button rights. My copyrighted two-line lyrics for the day.

So, as you know I am not a fan of Trump, Putin, Democrats and Republicans, yet they are tied together in the American political scene and dominating the news. Lately I have decided to separate Putin from making general comments about Russia. Sooner or later there will be no more Putin, he projects himself as healthy, so it may be awhile, but there will be a post Putin Russia. Eventually we will be able to have a relationship with Russia that is much better than his election meddling and other assorted anti-American behavior. There was an article recently maybe Bloomberg, maybe Forbes that talked about some Russian people trying to find a non-Putin Russia. I glanced quickly through it. Hopefully they can get better traction and create a true democracy or more representative government.

On a side note the Democrats continually prove they are clueless by nominating Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House. Just more proof the Parties at the National level are self-serving, and many other adjectives not fit for family discussion.

And everyone is getting all hot and bothered by the latest revelation by Cohen that there was Russia Trump Tower discussion up until early summer 2016. Whoop dee doo! The real collusion of Trump began a decade or so ago. It may be difficult to impossible to prove, but somewhere many years ago, Putin started working on destroying our country from within. He planned for a long time. Slowly it must have dawned on him to create a politician favorable to him. He may not have had Trump in mind originally, but he was planning.

And he chose to infiltrate the Republican party. Why you ask, well I have absolutely no proof, but crazy ideas. The Democrats are clueless, and the Republicans are greedy, and both fail this country.  So, if you had a long-term plan where do you start. It may seem that choosing someone that is clueless would be a great place to start. And the Republicans historically project the anticommunist pro America patriotic rhetoric regularly. So, you might think Putin would infiltrate the Democrats, the liberal bastion of lets all get along people who might be susceptible to overt friendly gestures and be ready to get along. No folks, Putin is smart. Putin chose the Republican party because a clueless person as the sayings go; can buy a clue or get a clue or whatever. Greedy people tend to stay greedy. And Putin recognized how depraved our materialism, how greedy our donor class had become. He recognized it before the left-wing fake news media did. He knew it before Fox. In fact, he probably watched good ole Rupert build up the Fox network with a gleam in his eye. The donor class could control the masses they wanted to, and Putin knew to use this weapon to his advantage.

Most Americans do not understand the rest of the world thinks long term. Leaders from Asia and Europe know their history. They know the need for Machiavellian plots if they want to survive and thrive. Putin was relatively young when he gained power, so he knew he had time. He hates the United States. And he wants Russia to be a world leader. He felt comfortable waiting his plans out.  Go listen to his speeches on how he feels about American exceptionalism and other American thoughts. He wants to see us fail and Russian rise.

And we make it easy for Putin. Our faults are horrendous and obvious. It was no coincidence that Putin was infiltrating the NRA as he was supporting Trump. Putin looked for people’s weakness driven by greed. Greed is his friend. And Trump was a greedy man with no plan ten years ago. Again, Trump may not have been his first choice, but Trump fit his need. A person who is vain, greedy, incompetent, easily manipulated, desperate need for attention, and in trouble financially. Trump could not get loans. Trump wanted everyone to think he was the greatest businessman alive. He wanted to be the most popular guy in the billionaire’s club. And Trump had a rudimentary understanding of the same weaknesses Putin saw in us. Trump was groomed.

And then Trump was given a platform via Fox. What a blessing starting in 2011 or so Trump became popular on Fox. His opinions were sought out by hosts of certain shows. The birther movement gave Trump his first taste of national political power. Another chance coincidence, but one Putin could use to develop a candidate he needed. Trump was already under Putin’s influence. Moving him forward was just the next step.

So, for all you who think the Trump Tower in Russia or the meeting in Trump Tower about “adoptions” proves there was collusion or a conspiracy. Oh no. You are far behind the times on the real collusion. No one has an army of social media trolls they can pull out of a hat. They were recruited and trained long before 2015. They were put to work in 2015 and 2016. The hi-jacking of American Social Media was long planned, it just needed the catalyst, the candidate, and since Fox had fostered hate in the heartland, Putin had two avenues to drive home his boy. And again, Putin was smart. Do you think Trump figured out the electoral college numbers on his own? No, he was sent to the Midwest to fight and gather every vote he could to bring those states home to him. And clueless Clinton, let him.

The Democrats are clueless still, but maybe one day they will find the quarter on the ground and buy a clue. For now, the Republican/donor class greed has blinded them to how depraved they are and how desperate they want Trump to be successful, so they can take even more from this country. As the man himself says “sad”.

And as always, I scream in the forest with no one around, we need new parties to represent the people of this country, even the Trump fans who have lost touch with the truth but are the hard-working Americans that are losing everything and do not know why which generates their anger.

Our country is great when we implement our values, work hard, respect each other, and grow ourselves, and yes even our economy. Real capitalism should be about making a good product at a good price and treating your workers and customers with respect. Corporate American by and large is not business or capitalistically inclined. They are greedy. They are not doing anyone any good. They are making money through their manipulations, but true product production, innovating, growing their business, developing their workforce, etc is not corporate America now.
Putin saw the above plus, our deteriorating public education, our growing wealth gap and what he sees now is good, for him.

So, all you people waiting for Mr. Mueller to pull a rabbit out of his hat and indict Trump on some wonderfully conceived collusion. Sorry, but Mr. Mueller needs to go back some time and prove Trump needed Putin before even Trump thought about running for President. And that my friends may not be provable. Putin is smart enough not to have left a paper trail. There is a connection but connecting the dots may be too large of a project. We need to move forward and find new leaders to pick up the pieces post Trump and re emerge as the country we truly can be.


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