Saturday, November 10, 2018

There will be new words and new definitions to define these times

Everyone knows the phrase: “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Some one is going to have to come up with new descriptions as to what is going on with our country and very specifically the Republican party. There will be a quote or term, a zeitgeist, a revelation one day, but for now we are going insane trying to figure out the Trump madness.

It may come from psychologists, historians, anthropologists, who knows, but how the Republican Party can wake up every day and accept what is coming from the President and pretend there is not anything wrong is beyond definition right now.

For the last twenty years or so Fox News has been slowly diverting their audience away from critical thinking, so you can see part of the problem. And if you love conspiracy theories, you might think they are truly brainwashing their audience with subliminal messaging at a criminal rate. A rational person cannot fully understand how bad the mindset has become that allows a person to completely disregard so much truth that is available about President Trump and continue to defend him.

And the way they defend him is miraculous. It defies any term available in use today. Sit down and very carefully get into a conversation about Trump. Go slow and be open to listening to a diehard Trump fan, and this includes educated people, and slowly ask them questions and watch them verbally contort themselves into believing he is good for this country. They will masterfully reconvince themselves about how Trump is great for this country and people are unfairly attacking him. Do not argue with them, it is pointless, just let them talk and watch.

I know there are examples in history of similar occurrences, but never have we had so many different ways to hear alternative answers. In the past a despot leader controlled the only means of communication. Not so nowadays, there are hundreds of ways to get information. The twisting of the brain to get where they are is astounding. And they truly believe he is under an unfair attack by the media.

Granted the pretentious left does pick some pretty ridiculous points to hammer over and over with people, but generally it doesn’t take much to realize this man is valueless, clueless, and has serious mental deficiencies. And the pretentious left fed right into their madness by nominating Hillary Clinton to run against him. You do not have to be a Fox fried brain to not like HC. She just rubs you the wrong way and this goes for many people. They forced her down the Democrats throats, and this just reinforced at some weird level to the Trump and Fox nation the Democrats were evil. She isn’t evil, unlikeable yes, but not evil. Yet her unlikability made it easier to play her off as evil. We are not here to discuss her tonight. She has her own problems, but tonight is about being unable to explain the Republican Trump mindset.

And truly, not all Republicans are afflicted with this madness. I think they are just dumbfounded at how bad this is and do not know what to do. Which is even more maddening because we need people to stand up to him. And it must be people that originate from the Republican party and his base. We need people to crawl out from under their rocks and start snapping their fingers and awakening these hypnotized individuals. Again, someone needs to reassure me there is no brainwashing conspiracy coming from the Fox airways because otherwise I have no explanation as to why normally rational people can sit there with a straight face and talk to you that Trump is really a misunderstood genius who is doing what is best for this country.

I have no answers and somewhere in the back of my brain I feel this has been discussed before, from where I do not remember, so hopefully it has, and I am not alone in the recognition somewhere somehow some person will create a term and definition of what is happening. It won’t solve any problems, but at least history will know what we just did to ourselves.

And this definition will not apply to the power mad alt right and the one percenters. We know why they support Trump. They are just criminals. This will be about the masses. So, if you are inclined to write a thesis or create a new buzzword, start working. Someone will eventually label this madness. I am not saying they will figure it out, it will just be labeled.


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