Saturday, January 26, 2019

Okay the shutdown is over, what next

As you can expect, my what next is it is time for Congress to really step up. Instead of playing politics for the next three weeks, develop real immigration reform, include real border security reform, and put something on the President’s desk he would be a fool not to sign.

Or I will even take the President doing something that would make Congress a fool for not passing it.

Either way, do something real.

I am very happy for the Federal workers and they should have never been put in the position they were, but this was because Congress hasn’t done anything for years. Presidents come and go, but good God look at some of the people in Congress. They are older than Methuselah. So, as I always say we need new major parties to shake things up at the very least and/or do something to start solving our Country’s issues. People keep saying we need term limits. In my opinion this is not the answer, this is a band aid. We, as citizens of a representative republic, have a responsibility to ourselves and our country. Maybe because I grew up with the famous quote “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” I believe it is up to us to do better and more specifically elect better people to represent us.

So, who knows what the next three weeks will bring, yet I am not holding my breath Congress is up to the task, much less the President?

And I am still hung up on the Mavericks under performing in my opinion this year. They have good players and are a team that should be better as a whole than the sum of their parts. Even though they won the last two games, they have much work to do. And again, I think Carlisle is not motivating the team to achieve what they can. He needs to push the veterans to work with Smith, Jr. and Luka, move the ball around and attack, attack, attack on offense. Just my humble opinion.


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