Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I found out what is wrong with the world and other random comments

I was walking along and there it is, this memo.

Be back in a few millennium  --God

If I was creative I would have tried to post exactly how I saw it, but I can only reproduce the message.

Did my civic duty today and went to Jury Duty.  Nothing exciting

And speaking of Constitutional items and founding Fathers and other documents, they need to add the phrase life, liberty, and the pursuit of insanity or life, liberty and the pursuit of caffeine. Nothing worse than getting to work and realizing there is no coffee to brew in the morning. I hate wasting money on over-priced coffee shop coffee.

I am sitting at home eating leftovers this evening while the better half is out saving the world or humanity or whatever group she is saving with her friends. And I thought I will just finish up this one dish so it won’t go to waste. Believe it or not, I did finish it up and now I want more. Good food is good food. Damn I do have a taste for more of it though.

And I am upset at McCabe, my own timing or the world. Pick one, I can certainly pick all three. The headlines are full of McCabe talking about the gang of eight. Shoot, this weekend I was going to talk about the gang of five. McCabe stole my thunder.

Anyway and I know no one will agree with me, but the gang of five Trump, Pence, McConnell, Pelosi, and Schumer all represent some part of what is wrong with Washington D.C For each it is different, but you can point to each of them and in them you find one aspect of the problem of DC. I am not saying government, but that is part of it, but it is what and who are being put into Washington by us, the people.

This has nothing to do with the above paragraph, but what is it with Schumer and his glasses. They way he always looks down through them. Any picture of him with those on are like the poster on the wall for the look of the pretentious left.

I know, I know everyone hates a critic, but also loves their guy or gal so no one will be happy with my statement above, yet in my eyes you can pick apart each person and find an aspect of what is wrong with politics in America.

And by the way, Bernie Sanders is running for President again. I still cannot figure out why. There are multiple problems here including there are too many “Democratic Socialists” for the majority of the country. Some of the women running are going to run on the same themes he will. No offense, but Bernie and Biden are old. The office of the Presidency wears hard on people.

We do need to legalize marijuana in the country, but Senator Harris you should keep your private life private. And I have a whole set of public policy ideas around legalizing marijuana, yet will leave that for another day.

It is not a good idea if you have a cause, to do something stupid to make a point or whatever that guy Smollet did.

I think I know why I struggle with my political identity. I still say I am an independent conservative, but it might be hard pressed for some to see that. Here are some platforms I believe in, yet not in any particular order of priority.

I am for renewable energy, but I also understand it will take a generation or two to wean us off fossil fuels. I have ideas around this, well I have ideas around all my platform so I will just leave it at that for now.

I believe in small government. We should balance our budget.

I believe in the free market. Wall Street is responsible capitalism’s worst enemy. Wall Street is just greedy, not productive for business. Please do not be fooled.

We should legalize marijuana, but come down harder on the addictive drugs. One note here, we should bust dealers hard, but treat addicts as people that need help or sick, not as criminals.

We need to do something about mental illness in this country.

I believe in the second amendment, but there is a difference between supporting the second amendment and being an over the top gun advocate. There is a difference. And I wonder if most people that scream the loudest about protecting guns flouting the second amendment struggle to be able to be licensed for a gun. Just a thought.

I believe pro life means treat life with respect from conception to natural death and it means this in its entirety. Too many people give lip service to pro-life, who don’t come close to truly being pro-life.
As for the above, we need to plan better for our seniors, Social Security, healthcare, retirement savings the whole nine yards.

We need better public education.

You cannot legislate morality. You have to teach it, and we are failing in that regard.

These are just a few thoughts.

I am still hungry so I am going to rummage the frig to see what else I may find.


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