Friday, February 15, 2019

You just cannot rest

As I have Talking Heads “Life During Wartime” playing in the background (actually the Whole Stop Making Sense concert), I am trying to determine if Trump’s National Emergency is a non sequitur or the worst Constitutional Crisis in our history.

How do you undo a National Emergency? Is the Democrats plan to create legislation enough? And if Trump vetoes it, what happens? Will the Republicans stand pat with the President or vote to override a veto? And then if it is vetoed, what does he do next?  And on and on it may go, hence the Constitutional Crisis. What if he calls up the National Guard to oust Congress? Okay an extreme, but right now I fear anything is possible, the worst mostly or he could just flat out tire of the whole thing. Who knows?

What is crazy one of the lines in the song after Life During Wartime is “ the President is crazy, did you hear what he said” I must have had that in my subconscious when I decided to play the Talking Heads.

And as any reasonable person knows, the same amount of border patrol it would take to monitor the wall every time it is breached is exactly what we could do without the wall. It wouldn’t hurt to put a bit more personnel patrolling the border, some drones, an airstrip or two just to keep an eye on things. Once we build the wall we are going to need these same people to find all the breaches in the wall if Trump is correct with how many crazed illegal immigrants are flowing across the desert into our country. Sheesh.

To me it seems like the Democrats love illegal immigrants just to annoy Trump. I know that isn’t the case, but there is no need to embrace illegal immigration. We can maintain an immigration policy within reason and maintain a sense about who immigrates here and people who are here illegally on expired visas etc be shown the door. There is this incredible belief among the left that we just have to allow anyone and everyone into the country. For many reasons the left doesn’t want to admit that just isn’t feasible. There is a balance somewhere between Trump and the far left, but the atmosphere in this country won’t allow common sense to exist. (Yes that is a bad pun based on the music I am playing, but also very true).

“You feel like talking to someone who knows the difference between right and wrong”
Isn’t that the truth?

The power play developing in Washington is unhealthy for the majority of this country, yet as always there is no traction for anyone in Congress to start producing rational public policy. The Reps and Dems knew the top may come off if the government shut down again, so with an insane and unnecessary deadline thrust upon them created a budget bill of sorts. Something that should be done routinely, but we elected a nutbag and the Republicans do not have the cajones to stand up to him. They say it is his base, but it is him ranting about them they fear more. His base only follows his target of the day so if they all stood up to him he couldn’t keep up. And his base that shows up at his rallies are the diehard extremists. Most are angry, but they aren’t mad. If Congress actually stood up and did things that they felt addressed their needs the need for Trump would wither away. People who work hard and have something to lose, are not in the mood to watch it burn up.

It is just getting them to realize there is hope, beyond the extreme.

“And you may ask yourself, how did I get here”

“Letting the days go by”


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