Sunday, February 3, 2019

Tell me Tell me Tell me

And also some combination of why extremes cause more problems than just their own extremeness… Did I just type that?

I started thinking about this post this morning long before the Super Bowl that I said I wasn’t going to watch. I did pretty good. I only watched the second half while we made and ate dinner. I do not like New England and have absolutely no skin in the game for the Rams so I could try to convince myself I had no interest. Anyway over dinner the better half asked me why New England was so good. Good God, now I have to explain why they are so good, unfortunately it only makes you either hate them more or appreciate them more. Thank goodness we were working on our second adult beverage so I could stomach this conversation while eating.

Anyway this post is not about the Super Bowl, football, or sports in general. This is an honest question that I would love for somebody who does have skin the game for the Democrats or Republicans to discuss. Please convince me either party has a plan not just for the future, heck for tomorrow would be good.

There are upteen Democrats running now. Actually I have no idea how many, but it seems every day for the past two weeks somebody announces they are running.

And the Republicans have their head so far up Trump’s back end they cannot come up with a game plan in case he does have the huge crash and burn we keep expecting. And none of them have the you know whats to stand up to him and make an honest run at saving the Republican party.

So tell me why anyone in this country should even bother with either party. Yes, I know I berate both parties pretty bad regularly, yet I am open to have anyone explain to me what they are really doing. I hear verbiage from both parties, but the one or two ideas that get espoused with any certainty from either party starts moving it further left or further right.

And there is danger with the self serving thinking of each extreme that they are right the other side is wrong and the only answer is moving further in either direction. Sooner or later someone is going to push back. And it is like a rubber band, the further you pull it in one direction, two possibilities exist. It will either snap back hard or break. Neither choice is healthy for the middle.

Yet, the middle sits around watching the tug at either end stretching and stretching and wondering when things will calm down enough to release the tension on either end.

So, I ask you what plan does either party have to start releasing this tension?

The pretentious left continues to tell us how wrong everyone else is and only they have the answers. And their answers are this so called Democratic Socialism, that is just more of the same ole same ole that the government should solve all of society’s problems damn the cost. Except now they keep coming up with new solutions that involve more and more of the government, completely leaving out innovation much less any practical reasoning. And forgetting most average conservatives are mad at DC and that is why they put that crackpot in the White House.

And the Republicans are so scared of their own shadow and driven by greed they can’t accept the fact they put a self serving con man in the White House to solve the problems of too much government.

Okay I am generalizing like heck, so seriously please answer the question; tell me where each party is doing something to improve the situation.

Here are some issues facing the middle class that I am open to hearing public policy that addresses them in a positive fashion.

Public Education including cost, better and well rounded, help for teachers in the classroom, a way to help students determine what is a better for future for themselves individually, better overall preparation for the real world, adding back to the curriculum civics and other subjects to help people better understand society and include everything from math and science to arts and history.

Wealth disparity, and please real policies that address how people can improve their lot, not more public welfare, or gamesmanship, or not some rehash of trickle down urine, it probaby includes tax reform, just remember taxing rich people more does not solve wealth disparity, it just creates more revenue for the government, but the underlying problem still exists. So don’t tax and give away. You can increase the tax rates where needed, yet do it where there is an inherent gain for others. And I have come up with ideas for this, what are yours?

Reduce the size of the government. I see nothing wrong with the government being involved in trying to solve problems, but be realistic. How about creating some policy that works with the private sector to overcome obstacles facing our society? A government shouldn’t overwhelm the society at large, just be the guide post.

Real thorough and complete immigration reform. Anyone? Anyone?

And same for social security, real reform? Anyone? Anyone,,okay without adding to the tax burden of the middle class.

Please do not try to legislate morality. It ain’t going to work. We need to do things socially to rebuild the importance of family. This is done with teaching at home, even at school, and very importantly our leaders need to show some values and this is across the board, from the President to the school board. And also shrinking the wealth gap because families need security in planning their lives, help reduce the cost of post-secondary education so people have strong opportunities.

And I do not know what to do at all about this situation with protecting our family dynamics, and that is the blitz of information we receive every day. You have TV, streaming TV, social media, radio, internet, celebrities, friends, government, all coming at our children at the speed of light overwhelming parents who even try to pay attention to what their children are inhaling. The manipulation of images shown to these kids is enormous. I thought I was a confused teenager. The noise these kids are digesting is incomprensible. Again government shouldn’t be the answer, but maybe they can be part of the solution. And this problem is exasperated by the push and pull of extremism growing in our society. Everyone is wrong unless you are on their side. My wife does a presentation to Mothers and daughters where she uses this mock up of how a girl is transformed to this supermodel look. The video shows how body image is manipulated. The point is for these young girls to see they should pay more attention to who they are, not the images being thrust at them. This is just one example of fighting the problem versus the millions of images people see that is the problem. Or another words, there is more false truths coming at them, than anything educating them on self worth.

So, please tell me what your party is going to do that is different, helpful, creative, and productive to help our society, not just in government, but overall. Otherwise I will continue to attack the ineptitude of both parties at the National level hoping that the great unwashed masses wake up and start doing their civic duty and finding better leaders from wherever they can be found.


and the dang title sounds like a line from an 80′s song somewhere so I apologize to someone for not giving proper credit, but you cannot copyright two words, no matter how often repeated can you

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