Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Guess what is the difference between Robert Kraft and Donald Trump? And other comments

1)      Real success vs fake success
2)      Confidence vs fragile ego
3)      One paid about $349,800 less for emotionless and non-intimate adulteress sex.

How much new did Michael Cohen really say today? He just fed into the rumor mill with a bit of proof of something or another? Maybe a new rumor that Donald Trump wasn’t being audited and this does make President Trump’s taxes even more interesting.

There are just some Republicans who must go along to get along no matter the consequences. I think if I was going all in on supporting someone, I would rely a bit more than that person’s word. Or is there a different conspiracy theory different deep state out there? After everything Donald Trump has said and done over the years, you better have a fall back plan in place if you think he is the savior of America.

I saw an article today on the shrinking value of property in certain beach front towns. No matter whether you believe in climate change, fossil fuel driven climate change, or what, you better think twice about buying beach front property as an investment. My non-supported and do not rely on me for good advice opinion is buy about a half mile back from the beach and wait for it to become beachfront property, then sell. And if you follow my advice, don’t plan on suing me when it goes foul, I am broke. You were warned.

There was an article saying The House of Representatives was trying to pass a bill to find out Putin’s net worth. The goal is to expose how corrupt he is or show Russians how much corruption is involved or determine is ability to wage disinformation wars on Western Democracies or if he runs a criminal enterprise or some combination of all this. They want our intelligence community to release information to help determine this or find out this information. I would think this is something we need to know to help counter act what he is doing to ruin our country. One flaw in their logic, this is Congress, 535 people who live and breathe lobbyists with maybe just a few exceptions. Okay go after Putin, but add some legislation about campaign reform and overturning the Citizens United decision in the mix.  Realistically we do need to do something about his campaign to destroy the West. He is definitely all in on that goal.

Okay, I have enough trouble not to be stirring up too many pots. I fear I step into it deep too often as it is.


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