Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Once clueless, always clueless

 Okay a bit harsh, but seriously, why does Pelosi think she can impeach Trump again. Or better yet, why bother? 

Honestly I am not sure if I know the reason, just saw a headline and it was enough to turn me off and as you know I am not President Trump’s biggest fan. 

Amazes me this is a consideration. 

The reality is the Democrats need to find a way to suck it up, make in person voting as safe as possible and get everyone down to the polls if they want to win. Otherwise all hades is going to break loose and that I am not looking forward to happening. 

And I was excited the other day. I saw an article about how voting for Democrats and Republicans is a waste of your vote. I thought all right someone who understands, unfortunately it was tempered a bit when I realized the author of the piece is an active member of the Libertarian Party. Now this is okay, but it would have been nice if this person was a true independent. This was an opinion piece in a Florida newspaper, not a blog so it had some respectability, alas though a partisan piece. Again okay, but it took the wind out of my cheerful sail that day. A high, an oh well. 

Now I remember why Pelosi was talking impeachment, it had something to do with Trump nominating someone for the Supreme Court. It must suck to be Justice Ginsburg’s family, all this hoopla about her, but only for her seat, not as much for her. 

Have a better evening

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