Monday, September 28, 2020

So the debate is Tuesday and you are....

 Well if you are curious, here are some third party and independent candidates you can check out and I included a link to their websites for more of their information.

I am copying and pasting links so if they do not work it is easy to do internet searches on any of these candidates. Some of these sites are better than others. I included some some thoughts at the end of the list. 

The Alliance Party candidate is Roque “Rocky” De la Fuente and the website is:

The American Solidarity candidate is Brian Carroll and the website is:

The Birthday Party candidate is Kanye West and the website is:

The Constitution Party candidate is Don Blankenship and the website is:

The Green Party candidate is Howie Hawkins and the website is:

The Libertarian Party candidate is Jo Jorgensen and the website is:

Some independents are:

Alyson Kennedy who is a Socialists Workers Party candidate and in my quick research I did not find a website, however an internet search does produce articles about her and her efforts.

Gloria la Riva is identified as a socialism and liberation candidate (I do not know if that is a party though) and her website is:

John Richard “JR” Myers seems to be identified with the Life and Liberty Party and his website is:

Brock Pierce is an independent candidate and his website is:

These are some of the candidates you can find running for President. There may be other candidates and if you know of an actual declared candidate you can add their info to the comment section or send me an email. I am in no way shape or form endorsing any of these candidates, nor do I state that all to any of them is actually ready to be President.

I always say we need new parties so I thought I would put a little bit of time in to let you know there are options. Some might have agendas and ideas that intrigue you. In fact quite of few of them do have quite an extensive website and you might find someone more to your liking than the two major party candidates. It is all up to you.

I still believe we need new parties even with this list. And I have extensive posts on my ideas on public policy so here is a quick hit on those ideas.

I am for rebuilding our infrastructure. -Trump may address this topic if it is part of the questions.

In rebuilding our infrastructure I believe in building out more for green energy and I also believe in green energy being part of economic development plans to help our economy and jobs.

Another economic development idea is for large scale desalinization projects for clean water and to help with agriculture. I also have gone down a rabbit hole talking about building a national canal system to help out. That was also a very involved post, but I stand by my thoughts.

I also believe we need an economic and tax plan that supports shrinking the wealth gap, helping the middle class and reducing the deficit and debt. This involves breaks for companies that expand and pay people and high tax rates for some of wall street’s activities such as short term algorithm trading for example. 

I have an extensive idea for shoring up social security and medicare. I have posted on this before and it is one of my involved posts. If the topic comes up tomorrow, my counter would be we need new ideas and reference the details, current ideas by Trump and Biden are too weak. Again I stand by my ideas.

I would be very moderate when it comes to foreign policy and would sound very similar to what I think Biden will say which is the need to rebuild relationships and trust with our allies. I think right now that has to be a priority.

We need stronger education.

There is more, but for right now I do not know what the topics are going to be so just leaving at this for now. Once I get an idea of each debate’s topics I may come back and address.

I am a very conservative person especially socially and family, but have always believed a moderately conservative platform is the better way to go when it comes to public policy that allows for accepting new ideas to address problems when needed. 


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