Thursday, September 17, 2020

What?!?!?! did someone prove my craziness might be right

 Apparently there is a Tufts University study that says well over 300 US cities could grow their own food. Sorry I saw this yesterday and do not have many details. It does on the surface support my ideas that we should support a more local economy.

You cannot say “spread the wealth” or “share the wealth” because the one percenters and their lackeys will say you are a socialist, which isn’t necessarily true. I believe you need to create more capitalists to create more wealth which helps shrink the wealth gap and grow the economy more. If people are able to grow and distribute food locally then more people are participating in the economy in a beneficial way. And hence you are sharing the wealth. 

So farmers benefit, local distributors benefit, it is a wash for chain grocery stores because they have to get produce from somewhere or maybe more local stores are created, and potentially more jobs are created. 

And another benefit is, if we are eating fresh food we are eating healthier. 

And I believe you could do this for many industries. I recently posted on this very same topic.

This is for well over 300 cities. This is a very large portion of the population of the United States. Just think, better economy, better health and “capitalism” thrives. Wall Street doesn’t want to hear this information. The rest of us should. 


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